Page 15 - 4-Level Funnel Diagram Design for PowerPoint
P. 15
IT Change Management
Environments and Migration
Different systems may have different
One of IT’s main responsibilities environments, but will typically
is to implement change in such a consist of an initial development
way that it protects the (DEV) environment and a production
production environment (the environment (PROD), as well as
“live” environment), and transitionary environments for
provides the organization with a processes such as testing (TEST),
repeatable, measurable, and staging, data migration, and user
auditable process that captures acceptance testing (UAT).
all technology-related changes. The various environments used by a
Organizations need to know given application should be as
where sensitive and proprietary identical as possible regarding
data and information is stored, hardware, operating system version,
and follow the IT change software version, and patches, and
management procedures in all management and the internal audit
applicable environments. activity should have a thorough
understanding of those environments.