Page 15 - M & A Disputes
P. 15

Chapter 1

        Overview of Merger and Acquisition Transactions and Disputes

        Mergers and Acquisitions

               The conjunctive term merger and acquisition (M&A) refers to transactions by which companies are
               combined through the purchase, sale, and combining of separate companies or assets thereof. M&A is
               typically consummated in an effort to accomplish financial objectives or help a company attain growth
               or market share within a particular industry or segment without having to organically create an addition-
               al business entity. During the first decade of the 2000s, over $14 trillion of M&A deals were completed
               globally, as described subsequently in chart 1.1.  fn 1

               Mergers and acquisitions are terms often used in conjunction with one another; however, the terms
               themselves are not synonymous. A merger is a legal term that refers to the absorption of one organiza-
               tion or corporation that ceases to exist into another that retains its own name and identity and that ac-
               quires the assets and liabilities of the former.  fn 2   The term acquisition refers to gaining possession or
               control over a target company or its assets.

               Business acquisitions may be accomplished by an asset purchase, a stock purchase, a merger, or some
               combination thereof.

        fn 1   Bloomberg.

        fn 2   Black’s Law Dictionary.

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