Page 13 - Supplement to Income Tax TY2021
P. 13

Estimating Your 2021 Taxes

                                         Estimating Your 2021 Taxes

                           When this Supplement was produced, Congress was considering other tax law changes
                               that may impact estimated taxes for 2021. See for any update.

            Note:   The  page  references  in  the  boldface  headings  below  are   For Roth IRAs, the $6,000 or $7,000 contribution
            to the text of J.K. Lasser’s Your Income Tax 2021. Page references   limit (all Roth contributions are nondeductible) is
            within the items themselves (after the headings) are to the pages
            of this Supplement unless otherwise noted.           phased out for married  persons filing jointly  and
                                                                 qualifying widows or widowers with 2021 MAGI
            In estimating your 2021 tax liability, take into account   exceeding  $198,000,  up  from  $196,000,  and  the
            the recent tax law changes on pages 3–5 that may affect   phaseout will be complete if MAGI is $208,000 or
            your 2021 tax liability, relevant cost-of-living adjustments   more. For single taxpayers and heads of household,
            to  various  deduction, credit, and  exclusion amounts   the phaseout threshold is increasing to $125,000
            shown below, the 2021 tax rate tables (see page 15), the   from $124,000; the phaseout will be complete if 2021
            deductible standard mileage rates for 2021 (see page 5),   MAGI is $140,000 or more.
            and the Social Security, Medicare, and self-employment   For both traditional and Roth IRA contributions,
            tax limits for 2021 (see pages 6–7).                 married persons filing separately are treated as single

                                                                 if  they  live  apart  for  the whole  year.  If  the spouses
            Retirement Plan Cost-of-Living                       file  separately  and  live  together  at  any time  during
            Adjustments for 2021                                 the year, and either of them is an active participant

            Traditional IRA and Roth IRA contributions for 2021 (pages   in an employer retirement plan, a deduction for
            213–222, 249–252).  The basic contribution limit for   traditional IRA contributions is phased out for each
            traditional and Roth IRAs is $6,000, which is unchanged   spouse over a MAGI range of $0 to $10,000. For
            from 2020. The $6,000 limit is increased by $1,000 for   Roth  IRA contributions,  the contribution  limit  for
            those who will be age 50 or older by the end of 2021.  married persons filing separately is phased out over
              For traditional IRAs, the $6,000 or $7,000 (age 50   the $0 to $10,000 MAGI phaseout range if they live
            or older) contribution limit is also the deductible limit   together at any time during the year, without regard to
            except for active participants in employer retirement   participation in an employer retirement plan.
            plans with modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)     Elective deferrals to employer retirement plans
            above the phaseout threshold. For active participants
            who  are  married  filing  jointly  or  qualifying  widows   (pages 191–193, 196–199, 718).  The basic limit for
            or widowers, the phaseout for 2021 deductible        elective deferrals in 2021 is $19,500, unchanged
            contributions to traditional IRAs begins at MAGI     from 2020. The $19,500 limit  applies  to 401(k),
            of $105,000 (from $104,000), with the phaseout       403(b), and 457 plans, the federal government’s
            complete  when  MAGI  is  $125,000  or  more.  For   Thrift Savings plan, and pre-1997 salary-reduction
            single taxpayers and heads of household, the phaseout   Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plans. If such
            threshold is $66,000 (from $65,000); the phaseout is   plans allows, individuals who are age 50 or older
            complete when MAGI is $76,000 or more.               by the end of the year may make an additional
              The phaseout threshold for a married person filing   “catch-up contribution.” The catch-up contribution
            jointly who is not an active plan participant but whose   limit remains at $6,500.
            spouse  is  an  active  participant  increases  slightly  to   For a SIMPLE IRA, the deferral limit is unchanged
            $198,000 (from $196,000), and the phaseout for that   in 2021 at $13,500 with a catch-up contribution of
            nonparticipant spouse is complete when MAGI is       $3,000 for those age 50 or over by the end of 2021
            $208,000 or more.                                    (unchanged from 2020).

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