Page 18 - Supplement to Income Tax TY2021
P. 18

Updates, Additions, and Corrections to the Text of Your Income Tax 2021

                     Updates, Additions, and Corrections to the Text of

                                           Your Income Tax 2021

         Note to our readers:  If you have the Professional Edition of J.K.   payment  in  cryptocurrency)  in 2020;  a transaction
         Lasser’s Your Income Tax 2021, some of the corrections to the text   does not include holding it in a wallet or account or
         and the updates provided in the following pages may already be
         included in your edition. We regret any errors.       transferring it from one wallet or account to another.
                                                               Health and dependent care flexible spending
         The page references in the boldface headings below    arrangements (pages 78–80). The Taxpayer Certainty
         are to the text of J.K. Lasser’s Your Income Tax 2021.   and  Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020 gives employers
         Page references within the items themselves (after the   the option of easing several FSA provisions; see page 4
         headings) are also to the text of Your Income Tax 2021   of this Supplement.
         unless reference is made to this Supplement .
            As explained at the beginning of this Supplement,   Gain on empowerment zone property (page 119).  The
         the massive government funding legislation that       Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020
         was signed into law on December 27, 2020 (the         (see page 3 above) extends, for five years, through 2025,
         Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021), contains key   the  60%  exclusion  for  gain  on  the  sale  of  qualified
                                                               small business stock (QSB) from an empowerment
         tax changes covering several years. See pages 3–5 of   zone business if the stock was acquired before February
         this Supplement for the tax law changes.              18, 2009. Note that only gain attributable to periods
            For future updates, visit
                                                               before 2019 is eligible for the 60% exclusion.
         Filing forms when a return is not required (page        However, the new law terminates the election to
         2–4).  Individuals with gross income below the filing   defer gain from the sale of empowerment zone assets
         threshold may still need to submit forms or schedules   after 2020. For sales in 2020, rollover is allowed if the
         by the due date of the income tax return.             asset was held over one year and the sales proceeds
              •  Reporting  a  coronavirus-related  distribution   were reinvested in replacement property within 60
                 (Form 8915-E).                                days of the sale; see the 2020 Schedule D instructions.
              •  Reporting a qualified disaster distribution (Form
                 8915-C for a distribution in 2018 or Form     Gain on Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF) assets (page
                 8915-D for a distribution in 2019) where the   120).  The IRS has issued final regulations on when
                 income is being spread over three years (one third   the  gain  deferral  period  ends;  see  the  discussion  on
                 in 2020) or where repayment has been made.    pages 5–6 of this Supplement.
                 Use Form 8915-E to report a qualified 2020
                 disaster distribution.                        Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet
                                                               (pages 123, 128).  The Worksheet in the 2020 IRS
         Where to mail your 2020 return (page 5).  The  IRS
         mailing address has changed for residents of numerous   instructions is 25 lines, rather than the 27-line
         States.  See page 21 of this Supplement for the IRS   worksheet shown on page 128. The computation
                                                               of  tax  liability  is  not  affected. Two  lines  that  were
         addresses for 2020 returns.
                                                               used by taxpayers who file Form 4952 to claim the
         Reporting cryptocurrency (page 8).  If  you  bought,   investment interest deduction have been removed
         sold, or engaged  in any other cryptocurrency (e.g.,   from the worksheet. Taxpayers who file Form 4952
         Bitcoin) transaction in 2020, you must answer “yes”   to claim the investment interest deduction and have
         to the question found on page 1 of Form 1040 or       net  capital  gain  or  qualified  dividends  for  2020
         1040-SR. The IRS updated instructions to the return,   may not use the Qualified Dividends and Capital
         clarifying that reporting is required only if you engaged   Gain  Tax  Worksheet; they must use the Schedule
         in any cryptocurrency transaction (e.g., receiving    D Tax  Worksheet in the Schedule D instructions.

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