Page 20 - Supplement to Income Tax TY2021
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Updates, Additions, and Corrections to the Text of Your Income Tax 2021

            If you did not receive a second round payment, or  Itemized deduction for personal casualty or theft loss
         a first round payment, or you only received a partial  from qualified disasters (pages 426, 434, 436).  The
         payment (or payments), complete the Recovery  Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of
         Rebate  Credit  Worksheet  to  determine  if  you  can  2020 expands the special rules for qualified disaster
         claim the recovery rebate credit on your 2020 return  losses to include unreimbursed casualty or theft
         (Line 30, Form 1040 or 1040-SR) based upon your      losses of personal-use property that are attributable
         2020 AGI and number of qualifying children. The      to major disasters declared by the President from
         Recovery Rebate Credit Worksheet is shown on page    January 1, 2020, through February 25, 2021,
         45 of this Supplement.  Also see the “Recovery rebate   provided they began after December 27, 2019, and
         credit” item below.                                  no later than December 27, 2020, and ended no

         Tuition and fees deduction repealed after 2020 (page  later than January 26, 2021. A net qualified disaster
         339, 622–623).  The new law (see page 5 of this  loss is subject to a $500 floor on Form 4684, rather
         Supplement) repeals the tuition and fees deduction for  than the regular $100 floor for losses on personal-
         years after 2020.                                    use property, but the 10% of adjusted gross income

         Standard deduction increased by net qualified disaster   floor does not apply.
         loss (Filing Instruction, page 345).  The rules allowing  Extension  of  livestock  replacement  period  (pages
         taxpayers who do not itemize deductions to increase   442, 445).  In Notice 2020-74, the IRS provides
         their standard deduction by a net qualified disaster loss   certain farmers and ranchers a one-year extension
         have been expanded by the The Taxpayer Certainty     beyond the normal four-year replacement period that
         and Disaster  Tax Relief Act of 2020. A qualified    generally applies when livestock is sold due to drought.
         disaster loss now includes a casualty or theft loss of   The Appendix to Notice 2020-74 has a list of the
         personal-use property attributable to a major disaster   qualifying counties.
         that meets the  requirements  listed below under
         “Itemized deduction for personal casualty or theft loss   Business meal deductions (page 464-466).  The IRS
         from qualified disasters.” A net qualified disaster loss   issued  final  regulations  on  deductions  for  business
         from Form 4684 is shown on Line 16 of Schedule A     meals that substantially incorporate earlier guidance
         (Other itemized deductions), where it is added to your   in proposed regulations and in Notice 2018-76 (T.D.
         otherwise allowable standard deduction; the combined  9925, 2021-2 IRB 296).
         amount is then claimed as your standard deduction on    The Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act
         Line 12 of Form 1040 or 1040-SR.                     of 2020 allows a 100% deduction for business meals
                                                              (food and beverages) provided by a restaurant in 2021
         Waiver of  AGI limit for cash contributions (pages
         372–373).  The Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax   and 2022. The new law does not define “restaurant”;
         Relief Act of 2020 extends the 100% of AGI limit for   IRS  guidance  is  likely.  The  new  law  does  not  affect
         qualifying  cash  contributions  to  contributions  made   2020 business meal deductions.
         in 2021.                                             Filing your child’s return (page 503).  In the first

         Mortgage insurance premiums deduction (page          paragraph of  24.1, under “1.”, the parenthetical
         385).  The deduction for mortgage insurance premiums   should be “($2,200 for 2020). The second sentence
         was extended through 2021 by the Taxpayer Certainty   under “3.”, should read “For 2020, the deduction is
         and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020.                 $1,100 (13.5).”

         Medical and dental expenses 7.5% floor (page 405).  The  Computing Kiddie tax on child’s return (page
         7.5% of AGI floor for deducting medical and dental  505).  Please disregard the erroneous references to
         expenses was scheduled to rise to 10% of AGI after 2020,  Form 6251 in the third, fourth and fifth paragraphs of
         but the 7.5% floor has been permanently extended.    24.3. All the references should be to Form 8615.

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