Page 119 - Travel Guide
P. 119
Prudhoe Arctic Ocean
Taking the Dalton Highway across Bay
the Arctic Circle and farther north is an Pump Station 1
amazing journey never to be forgotten. National Nuiqsut Deadhorse (MP 414)
The northern Alaska wilderness is home Reserve ñ Alaska
to many species of wildlife including arctic Dalton Highway
fox, grizzly bears and caribou. As you head Fairbanks to
north, trees disappear and the summer
days get longer and longer until there is Prudhoe Bay
just an hour of darkness a day in towns
like Deadhorse. Home to only a handful Pump Station 2
of permanent residents, Prudhoe Bay is 355 Mile Wayside
the location of the famous oil fields, which Sag River Overlook (MP 348)
have supported the state’s economy. The Colville River
most renowned of the northern towns is Ivishak River
Nome, endpoint of the annual Iditarod
Dogsled Race.
Happy Valley (MP 334)
Dalton Highway Pump Station 3 Sagavanirktok R.
Runs 414 miles from Livengood north of BLM Utility Corridor
Fairbanks to Deadhorse on Prudhoe Bay at
the Arctic Ocean. Referred to as the last great Atigun R. Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge
wilderness road left on earth, and literally the Galbraith Lake (MP 275)
road to the top of the world.
Pump Station 4
Deadhorse/Prudhoe Bay Atigun Pass (MP 244)
At the end of the Dalton Highway, Deadhorse
serves the very productive oilfields. Visitors will Chandalar Shelf (MP 238)
find hotels, a store and gas station. Farthest North Spruce (MP 235)
Gates of the Arctic
Utqiagvik (formerly known as Barrow) National Park & Preserve
On the Chukchi Sea west of Prudoe Bay,
Population: 5000. Air service is available. Sukakpak Mountain (MP 204)
Wiseman (MP189)
The end of Baldwin Peninsula on Alaska’s Marion Creek Campground (MP 180)
west coast; 33 miles north of the Arctic Circle. Arctic Interagency
Visitor Center (MP 175)
Commercial air service available. Population: Coldfoot (MP 175)
3200. Visitor Information: cityofkotzebue.
com Middle Fork Koyukuk River
Kotzebue lies very near Kobuk Valley National South Fork Koyukuk (MP 156)
Park, Selawik National Wildlife Refuge, the Noatak Bettles South Fork Koyukuk River Grayling Lake (MP 150) Yukon Flats
and Bering Land Bridge National Preserves and Jim River Pump Station 5 National Wildlife
Cape Krusenstern National Monument. Refuge
Arctic Circle (MP 115)
Gobblers Knob
(MP 132) Arctic Circle
Kanuti National Kanuti River Finger Mountain (MP 98)
Wildlife Refuge Yukon River
86 Mile Overlook
Ray River Village
Five Mile (MP 60) Visitor Contact Station (MP 56)
Dalton Highway
White Mountains
Yukon Crossing (MP 56) Pump National
Station 6 Hess Creek Recreation Area
Colorado Creek
Hess Creek Overlook (MP 20) Livengood Trailhead
Rampart Beginning
Dalton Highway Wickersham
0 10 20 30 River Station 7 Dome Trailhead
Miles Yukon River Steese Hwy.
Tatalina River
0 25 50 Elliott Highway Minto Tolovana Elliott Hwy.
Kilometers Chatanika River
Manley Hot Fox