Page 146 - Travel Guide
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Zoo, where Alaska species and animals from other
subarctic regions are homed, touring the Alaska
Aviation Heritage Museum, fishing for rainbow
trout, arctic char and grayling, visiting the Anchorage
Museum at Rasmuson Center, Eagle River Nature
Center, Thunderbird Falls, Eklutna Historical Park
or exploring the Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge,
discovering Portage Glacier or skiing at Alyeska
Resort, the state’s largest downhill ski area located
in Girdwood south of Anchorage. Youth theaters,
the Anchorage Opera and Alaska Dance Theatre are
active and the city promotes weekly public musical
Established in 1971, the Anchorage Coastal
Wildlife Refuge serves as home and/or migratory
stopover to more than 220 species of birds. Every
season is good for bird watching at the Refuge, but
the best times for viewing migrating birds are late
April and early May. The Refuge is a unique blend of
Anchorage Visitors Bureau bird, mammal and plant habitats in an area less than
photo by: a mile square and offers an unequalled opportunity to
view many of Alaska’s bird species while surrounded
by the awe-inspiring beauty of south Anchorage’s
There are more than 135 miles of paved trails in stages provide a venue for local ensembles, musicians Turnagain Arm.
Anchorage, many of which are lighted, as well as and storytellers, and the Alaska Experience Theater Explore Alaska’s military history at the Alaska
hundreds of backcountry treks. The grand Chugach makes its home inside the Market Place. Come dazzle Veterans Museum, which focuses on honoring the
State Park embraces the south side of the Anchorage your senses with the Alaska Experience, a 40-minute state’s servicemen and women. Every one of the five
Bowl and offers backcountry access literally minutes flyover of Alaska’s most beautiful sights. The 1964 Armed Services and the US Merchant Marines has
from downtown. Hundreds of trails cross through earthquake film provides a virtual adventure as you played a role in shaping Alaska.
wooded areas abundant with wildlife and vistas of the feel the earth move under your feet. Also be sure to Discover the rich mixture of the area’s Russian and
Alaska Range and Denali. visit the free exhibit illustrating the devastation that Dena’ina Athabascan culture at Eklutna Historical
One of Anchorage’s more culturally diverse took place in the Good Friday Earthquake, and the Park, located at the head of the Knik Arm of Cook
neighborhoods is Mountain View, an area of new and pictorial history tour of Anchorage that runs along Inlet, just off the Glenn Highway Scenic Byway and
rehabilitated restaurants, specialty retail store and 4 Avenue at the mall. The largest Tlingit bear totem within the Municipality of Anchorage. Dating back
art galleries. Many Hmong mountain people from pole in downtown Anchorage stands in front of the to 1650, Eklutna is the oldest continually inhabited
Thailand and Laos live in the neighborhood, and take Market Place, which provides shoppers with a variety Athabascan site in the region. Visit Eklutna’s St.
part in a community production gardening program, of merchants, including Russian and Native Alaskans Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church, originally built in
selling the fresh produce at neighborhood markets. featuring their handicrafts and artwork, photography the 1830s. A blend of Athabascan beliefs and Russian
The multinational atmosphere of the city extends to studios, a restaurant, café, espresso bar and nightclub. Orthodox teachings introduced by missionaries in the
the amenities, with dozens of gourmet restaurants Summer hours are 9 to 9 Monday through Saturday 1800s holds that when a person dies his spirit wanders
proudly offering the cuisines of Europe and the Orient and 11 to 6 on Sundays. the earth, searching for his earthly possessions. To
as well as traditional fare. The greatest challenge to Anchorage visitors is
The 4 Avenue Market Place, located on West 4 trying to determine which of many spectacular and
Avenue, between C and D Streets, hosts daily free live interesting activities to do first. Activities include
shows each summer, featuring Native performers from strolling, cycling or rollerblading along the Tony
the Cook Inlet Tribal Council. Indoor and outdoor Knowles Coastal Trail, wildlife viewing at the Alaska