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and  more  at  Ch’k’iqadi  Gallery!  (Ch’k’iqadi  is  a
                                                              Alaska Native Heritage Center  Dena’ina Athabascan word for “the things we buy”).
                                                                                  Named after the Dena’ina  Athabascan phrase
                                                                                for “I’m hungry,” D’eshchin Café has a focus on
                                                                                sustainability, storytelling,  and a blend of ancestral
                                                                                knowledge with innovative  twists—think smoothie
                                                                                bowl made with a modern spin on traditional akutaq!
                                                                                  THE ANCHORAGE MUSEUM
                                                                                  AT RASMUSON CENTER
                                                                                  The largest, most extensive museum in the state,
                                                                                the Anchorage  Museum  at  Rasmuson  Center  offers
                                                                                top notch exhibits and programs tracing the 10,000-
                                                                                year history, culture and artistry of Alaska’s people
                                                                                from  the  crossing  of  the  Bering  land  bridge  to  the
                                                                                present.  The museum also presents a full calendar
                                                                                of  public  programs  and  art  classes.  Expansions
                                                                                completed in 2009 and 2010 usheried in a new era
                                                                                for one of Alaska’s premier visitor attractions, with
                                                                                the  completion  of  an  80,000-square-foot  wing  and
                                                                                renovation of the existing building.
                                                                                  The Smithsonian Arctic Studies Center showcases
                                                                                an exhibition of rare Alaska Native heritage objects
      or from many local hotels, sporting goods stores and   Information  Centers, JBER  Wildlife Education   from the Smithsonian National  Museum of Natural
      air taxis.                           Center, Alaska  State  Trooper Museum, Alaska  Fire   History and the  National  Museum of the American
        There are many rafting adventures awaiting the   Department Museum, Alaska Center for Performing   Indian.  The Imaginarium  Discovery Center houses
      Anchorage visitor.  The thrill of shooting a narrow   Arts,  Alaska Experience  Center, Jack Hernandez   an  interactive  science  center  offering  hands-on
      canyon,  or  the  tranquility  of  floating  down  Old   Fish Hatchery, Saturday Market, Ship Creek Salmon   exhibits for visitors of all ages to explore earth, life
      Man River are both just a short distance from your   Overlook,  Crow Creek  Mine,  Alaska  Wildlife   and physical sciences, as well as the TOTE KidSpace
      hotel. Recommended  southcentral  Alaskan rivers   Conservation Center, Oscar Anderson House, Eklutna   where children through the age of 5 and their parents
      for affordable rafting trips include the Little Susitna,   Historical  Park,  Anchorage Museum at  Rasmuson   can explore art, history and science through play.  The
      Upper Deshka system, Upper Kenai, Willow Creek,   Center, Alaska  Zoo, Alaska Aviation  Museum,  the   Thomas  Planetarium  hosts educational,  entertaining
      Talkeetna, Gulkana and Talchulitna.   Alyeska Resort and the 4  Avenue Market Place.  films, and presentations that explore the night sky.
        Anchorage offers tremendous opportunities to see                          FLIGHT CHARTERS
      and  enjoy Alaska  on a  budget.  Here  are  some  free   EXPERIENCE ONE OF AMERICA’S   Often, flying is the only way to reach backcountry
      or low-cost attractions found in the Anchorage area:   CULTURAL TREASURES!   areas  that  offer  an  unforgettable  experience  in  the
      Tony Knowles Coastal  Trail, Eagle River Nature   In the Alaska Native Heritage Center, visitors can   pristine wilderness of Alaska. Flying is so popular in
      Center at Chugach State Park, Visit Anchorage Visitor   shop for authentic Alaska Native arts, jewelry, apparel   Alaska that 1 in 36 residents have a pilot’s license and

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