Page 183 - Travel Guide
P. 183

             SOLDOTNA, KENAI & HOMER
              (See Kenai Peninsula Map)

                  SEWARD HWY 1

      Turnagain Arm
        Turnagain Arm is the narrow area of Cook Inlet
      forming the north coast of the Kenai Peninsula, south
      of  Anchorage. Chugach State Park protects many
      sites  along  Turnagain Arm that  are  easily  accessed
      during a day trip.  Opportunities abound to hike, bike,
      watch wildlife or enjoy the view from many scenic
      areas along the Arm. Beluga Point is an outstanding
      viewing area for the pale Beluga Whale.
      Indian Valley Meats
        Location: Mile 104 on Seward Highway 1,
        between  Anchorage and Girdwood, 1/2 hour
        south of Anchorage.

        Since l976, family-owned Indian Valley Meats has
      been treating locals and visitors to specialty meats,
      sausages and smoked fish. They are now one of the
      largest processors of wild game meat in North America,
      using  only  the  finest  ingredients,  natural  spices  and   Portage Glacier on Turnagain Arm
      inspected meat to make high quality products.
        Try their delectable, exotic creations in the Jerky
      Bar, and gift boxes are available to allow you to send   spectacular  views of rugged mountain peaks and   Visitor Center invites sightseers to experience  the
      a tasty bit of Alaska home for friends and family to   alpine  glaciers. Moose and other wildlife  are   thrill of living glaciers as they continue to carve
      enjoy.                               protected in this part of the Chugach National Forest.    the landscape and shape the life of the Chugach
      Bird Creek                           Great migrations of geese, swans and cranes occur in   National Forest. Built on the remnants of a terminal
                                           the spring and fall. Bald eagles feast on salmon that
                                                                                moraine left by Portage Glacier, the Center is staffed
        Location:  20 miles south of  Anchorage  on   spawn in the valley’s clear streams.  with Forest Service interpreters available to answer
        Seward Highway 1; Campground at Mile 101.2;   Prior to the 1964 earthquake, the town of Portage   questions,  assist  with  trip  planning  and  provide
        bridge and fishing at 101.5; 160-car parking lot   was primarily  a  railroad  and  highway construction   programs on the historical and natural wonders of the
        and trail head at 102.2.           town, home to 50 to 100 residents. The earthquake   valley. Boat tours to the face of Portage Glacier are
                                           resulted in a subduction of the land, causing it to drop   available. There are hiking trails, naturalist programs
        Bird Creek is an extremely popular salmon-fishing   between 6 and 12 feet along  Turnagain  Arm.  The   and fishing in designated ponds. Camping is available
      and hiking/biking destination, which has recently also   area flooded and now remnants of buildings and trees   at Forest Service campgrounds.
      seen  a  serious  influx  of  black  and  grizzly  bears  in   destroyed by infiltrating saltwater are all that remain   Travelers may choose to stay at Portage  Valley
      search of an easy meal. A sign at the creek’s entrance   of the original townsite.  Cabins  and  RV Camping  at  Mile  1.7  on Portage
      puts  it  this way: “If the bear  shows  interest in you   Located  about 12 miles east of the old townsite   Glacier  Road. Known as the “Gateway to Prince
      and/or approaches, it wants your stuff. If the bear is   on its namesake road, Portage Glacier is  Alaska’s   William Sound” it is the place to find the only cabin
      slobbering,  huffing,  jaw-popping,  hop-charging,  you   most visited natural attraction. Enormous deep blue   rentals in the whole valley and the only RV camps
      are in serious danger.”              icebergs float close to shore, where the Begich Boggs   with electrical hookups.
      Girdwood - Alyeska Resort
        Location:  The village of Girdwood  is located
        on the beautiful shoreline of  Turnagain  Arm,
        on Seward Highway 1; 39 miles southeast of

          Turnagain Arm of Cook Inlet is home to pods of
      beluga  and orca  whales that  travel  the sheltered
      waters  to  feed  on  migrating  salmon.  Even  more
      wildlife can be seen from the nearby towns of Seward
      and Whittier, which offer guided tours of Resurrection
      Bay and Prince William Sound.
          Transportation from the world-famous Alyeska Ski
      Resort and Nordic Spa to Seward, Whittier and other
      destinations is available from local providers.

        Location:  On Seward Highway 1; 48 miles
        south of Anchorage, 79 miles north of Seward.
        Population: 20.  Visitor Information:  Begich
        Boggs Visitor Center at Portage Glacier.    1.800.544.2206
        Portage  is  situated  in  a  location  that  offers

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