Page 187 - Travel Guide
P. 187
the opportunity to tour a world-class Iditarod racing
kennel, meet the canine athletes, see the equipment
used to run the Iditarod, play with puppies and ride
a sled pulled by these amazing huskies on a two mile
wilderness trail from the Seavey Homestead to the
base of Resurrection Mountain and back.
The Alaska SeaLife Center opened in May 1998,
as the first building ever designed to house research,
rehabilitation and education all in one facility.
Visitors to the facility are able to view both the
research and rehabilitation areas from large viewing
windows. Behind-the-scenes tours are offered once a
day with a limit of 12 participants. This guided tour
gives you a chance to see the unique engineering of
the facility, as well as learn more about the research
and rehabilitation activities underway at the Center.
The Center is currently home to 15 aquariums
showcasing approximately 150 different species of
animals from the Gulf of Alaska, including birds,
seals, sea lions, octopus and over 1500 invertebrates.
Visitors are encouraged to be “hands on” at the Tern Lake with the Chugach Mountains
Discovery Pool loaded with seastars, crabs and sea
cucumber. For more information on the Alaska
SeaLife Center call (800) 224-2525 or visit www. a precious gem tucked into the lush embrace of the STERLING HWY 1 forest, sits Cooper Landing. Situated at the junction
Kenai Fjords Tours operates wildlife and glacier of the Russian and Kenai Rivers, it is a place where
cruises from Seward through Kenai Fjords National Cooper Landing the call of songbirds and the gentle, lapping waves of
Park, with expert narration of the natural history Location: Sterling Highway 1; 100 miles south the river form the soundtrack to a laid-back lifestyle.
and wildlife of the area. Their tours afford viewers of Anchorage, 45 miles north of Seward, 40 The area earns the nickname The Emerald because of
an opportunity to see calving glaciers, humpback miles east of Soldotna. Population: 480. Visitor the flow of ultra-fine glacier silt into the river, which
whales, orcas, otters, Steller sea lions, porpoises, Information: Cooper Landing Chamber of tints the waters a stunning shade of green. During
eagles, puffins and a variety of other birds. Daily Commerce and Visitors Bureau, P.O. Box 809, the summer, the area hums with activity as sport
cruises are available March through October and on Mile 48.7 of Sterling Hwy, Cooper Landing, AK fisherman from all over the world, vie for that trophy
weekends in November with a variety of excursions 99572, Phone: (907) 595-8888; Email: info@ worthy catch of rainbow trout or salmon. Fertile
ranging from three to nine hours and all-inclusive fishing attracts bears, so anglers must keep a watch
overnight lodge accommodations. Indulge in a wild over their catch as the creatures of the forest have
Alaska salmon and prime rib lunch on exclusive Fox Nestled in the middle of the Kenai Peninsula, like been known to dine and dash.