Page 233 - Travel Guide
P. 233


                                             SEE VIDEO   Jet Boat, Leaving Wrangell           Anan Wildlife Observatory

                                                                                                        SEE VIDEO

                       Iceberg, LeConte Glacier

      river  in  North  America  and  enchants   scattered. Many jet boat operators let   temperate rainforest. Many companies
      visitors  with  sweeping  mountain  vistas   you get up close to the icebergs where   employ  Alaskan  native  guides  who  will
      of  lush  rainforests,  majestic  waterfalls,   you can touch a million years of history.  lead educational tours of the rainforest
      icebergs and glaciers. Bears, moose,                                      and explain the interconnectedness
      seals  and eagles  are just  some of    If you would like to fly with the eagles   between  the  differing  ecosystems.
      the  wildlife  frequently  seen  on  the   then  we  recommend  seeing  LeConte   The  Nolan  Center  houses  the Wrangell
      Stikine  tour,  which  can  be  organized   glacier  with  Sunrise  Aviation.  There  is   Museum,  with  traveling  exhibits  and
      by  Wrangell  tour  operators.  Le  Conte   nothing like a flight seeing tour of one of   permanent ones highlighting the history
      Glacier  is  the  southernmost  tidewater   Alaska’s most active glaciers.  of the area. Wrangell is the only U.S. city
      glacier  on  the  continent.  This  glacier                               to have been ruled by four nations, the
      produces numerous calving events and    Around town don’t miss Chief Shakes   Tlingit, Russia, Britain and the US.
      the icebergs are often occupied by seals   Tribal  House,  the  Wrangell  Museum,
      and their pups as they lazily ride the bay   and  Petroglyph  Beach  State  Historic   The  Stikine  Inn  will  take  you  back
      waters.  The  icebergs  of  LeConte  are   Park where there are over 40 rocks with   to the airport for  your one-hour and
      colored a vibrant blue or even jade green.   carved pictures and symbols believed   45-minute  evening  flight  to  Juneau.
      This is due to long red wavelengths from   to have been created hundreds of years   Frontier  Suites  will  pick  you  up  at  the
      the  sun  being  absorbed  while  shorter   ago  by  the  Tlingit.  Another  destination   airport and take you to the hotel, a short
      blue  light  waves  are  transmitted  and   spot is Tongass National Forest, a coastal   five-minute ride from the airport.

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