Page 237 - Travel Guide
P. 237

Skagway, Alaska

      Fjord, make your way to the back of the   Take in a delightful show at the Days of   during the Klondike Gold Rush, the route
      boat  and  watch  as  Mendenhall  comes   ’98, which chronicles the wild heyday of   is an example of engineering wonder as
      into  view  and  you  can  observe  the   the Alaskan Gold Rush. Stop into Lynch   you  ascend  3,000  feet  in  just  20  miles.
      enormous scale of this glacier. There is   and  Kennedy,  a  family  owned  business   Along  the  way  the  beauty  of  Alaska
      no need to rent a car as all attractions   that specializes in a unique selection of   will  be  on  full  display  as  you  witness
      are close by to enjoy the historic streets   Alaskan made jewelry and native art and   glaciers, mountains, tunnels, gorges and
      of  Skagway.  As  in  many  other  places   gifts. The half-day train ride on the White   waterfalls.  After  a  day  of  sightseeing,
      around  the  world,  attractions  may  be   Pass and Yukon Railway is an excursion   feast on a seafood dinner at Olivia’s in the
      limited again this  year due to Covid.   that  shouldn’t  be  missed.  Built  in  1898   Historic Skagway Inn.

                                                                                                photo by Timothy Barnes

                     Skagway Inn Garden Tour

                                                                                                       SEE VIDEO
                                SEE VIDEO

                                               Days of ‘98 Show
                                               Skagway                                         White Pass & Yukon Route

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