Page 253 - Travel Guide
P. 253

Drive Alaska Itinerary #1     take  a  short  stroll  from your  hotel,  cast   throughout the state.
                 General Review            a line in the water, catch a king salmon
           Anchorage, Denali, Fairbanks    and have it cleaned and shipped back    The  Alaska  Native  Heritage  Center
                                           home?  Ship  Creek  runs  right  through   in Anchorage  promotes  the  history  and
         This trip will take you up the George   downtown  Anchorage  and  40%  of  the   culture  of  Alaska’s  11  native  cultures
      Parks  Highway  #3  to  Denali  National   hotels  are  located  in  the  area.  Don’t   through storytelling, singing and dance.
      Park  and  Preserve  and  on  to  Fairbanks.    worry  if you  didn’t  bring  fishing  gear  as   Wildlife is abundant in the area with up
      Along  the  way  you  will  pass  through   there are numerous places to rent all the   to  1000  moose  wandering  within  the
      the  communities  of  Wasilla,  Willow   trappings.  A  fishing  license  is  required   city  during  wintertime.  About  50  miles
      and Talkeetna. Nearly every town has a   with 1, 3, 7 and 14-day licenses available.   southeast  of  Anchorage  on  Seward
      visitors center where you can pick up the                                 Highway #1 toward Whittier, the Alaskan
      latest in travel information.           Stop in at the sod-roof log cabin   Wildlife Conservation Center is dedicated
                                           Visitor  Information  Center  in  downtown   to the preservation of the state’s wildlife.
         Be sure to start your trip with a visit   Anchorage for a photo. Follow the trail of   Numerous  educational  programs  and
      to  Alaska’s  largest  city  of  Anchorage.   moose prints right behind the cabin to the   tours are hosted there throughout the
      With  wildlife,  water  and  a  metropolitan   larger  Anchorage  Visitor  Center  where   day.
      vibe there is much to discover all in one   the friendly staff are very knowledgeable
      place. Where else in the world can you   about travel opportunities and sights

                                                                                Anchorage Visitor Center

                                                             Denali National Park

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