Page 256 - Travel Guide
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The  Alaskan  Railroad  is  what  made   and campgrounds. No reservation is   hot  springs  lets you  get  into  hot water,
      this  Alaskan city as it linked together   required for the free bus but encouraged   see  wildlife  and  Aurora,  and  enjoy  the
      vast regions of the state.  Today it is still   for  the  others.  More  information  about   cool interior of their astonishing Ice
      the starting  point  for reaching  by train   the buses and sightseeing in Denali can   Museum and bar.
      the cities of Whittier to the southeast on   be found on the website of the National
      Prince William  Sound,  south  to  Seward   Park Service.  A unique way to the park is   There  are  many  accommodations
      on the Kenai Peninsula, and all the way   with Denali Air. This “breathtaking, once-  in  Fairbanks  but  we  recommend  Rivers
      north through Denali to Fairbanks.   in-a-lifetime,  bucket  list  experience”  is   Edge Resort on the Chena River. For real
                                           the  perfect  way  to  get  up  close  to  the   home cooked Alaskan food in Fairbanks
         Starting  on  Glenn  Highway  #1,  the   mountain and surrounding landscape.   try the Pump House and Chena’s Alaskan
      only road going north out of Anchorage   Their private airstrip is located just south   Grill.  Just  out  of  town,  Ivory  Jacks  is
      and  continuing  onto  the  George  Parks   of the park and they offer several flight   located in the Goldstream Valley.
      Highway  #3  at  the  interchange  of  the   seeing tours.
      two  roads  35  miles  later,  it  will  take                                There are a few different ways to get
      you just over four hours or 237 miles to   Continue on to Fairbanks just another   back to  Anchorage from Fairbanks, but
      reach  Denali  National  Park.  Many  rural   122  miles  from  Denali  National  Park.   you can simply return on the George
      locations in Alaska use a mile marker on   The  George  Parks  Highway  will  take   Parks  Highway.  Another  option  is  to
      the road to denote their physical address   you through some stunning scenery   take  Richardson  Highway  #2  southeast
      and  Denali’s  entrance  is  at  Mile  237  on   with numerous opportunities for picture   to  Delta  Junction,  passing  through  the
      Highway #3.                          taking.  Once  in  Fairbanks  there  are   town of North Pole (won’t that be a great
                                           activities  for  the whole  family  including   Christmas card and yes, it’s a real town).
         Stemming from the  Athabaskan     fun  family  gold  panning  at  Gold   At  Delta  Junction,  pick  up  Richardson
      language,  Denali  means  “the  tall  one”   Daughters,  wildlife  viewing  and  even   Highway  #4  South  to  Glennallen,  then
      and it is once again the official name of   dog mushing. From April through August,   Glenn  Highway  #1  into  Anchorage.  Or
      the tallest mountain in North  America.   Fairbanks is home of the midnight sun   continue  on  Hwy  #2  for  another  100
      Situated in a six-million-acre national   with 24 hours of daylight so there is plenty   miles to Tok, the first town inside the US/
      park,  Denali  is  the  breathtaking  crown   of time to experience everything this city   Canada  border  on  the  Alaska  Hwy,  for
      jewel  is  an  area  of  vast  tundra,  spruce   has to offer.  Pioneer Park is a free family   some great flightseeing with 40-Mile Air.
      filled forests and rolling glaciers. There is   destination in the heart of Fairbanks.
      only one road in Denali and it is accessible   The  Pioneer  Air  Museum  located  there   More to See and Do Along Itinerary
      by  private  vehicle  through  Mile  15.  The   tells the story of aviation in Alaska and   #1 Anchorage, Denali, Fairbanks and
      rest  of  the  77  miles  is  open  only  to  a   displays many colorful full size planes.   Beyond
      private bus company. From late May   Enjoy a riverboat cruise down the Chena
      through early September, private motor   River on  the Riverboat  Discovery or  the   Your  journey  from  Anchorage  to
      vehicles can drive to Savage River. Along   Tanana Chief.                 Fairbanks  covers  about  360  miles,  and
      the way there are numerous pullouts to                                    while it can be driven in 7 hours non-stop,
      stop and take pictures of the incredible   Just  north  of  the  city  on  Steese   you don’t want to do that! Take the time
      scenery and on a clear day The Mountain   Highway,  the  Trans-Alaska  Pipeline   to explore everything that catches your
      can  be  seen  as  early  as  Mile  9.  There   display  and  viewpoint  is  as  close  as   fancy, stay overnight or longer along the
      are  three  different  types  of  buses  that   you can get to this amazing feat of   way,  and  savor  this  moment.  Following
      operate within the park: a narrated tour   engineering.  Located 60 miles northeast   are some highlights of the trip.
      bus, a non-narrated transit bus, and a free   of Fairbanks on Chena Hot Springs road
      bus that enable people who don’t have a   off  Steese  Highway,  the  world-famous
      car or choose to leave theirs behind, to
      travel between the park’s trails, facilities


                                                                                          Alaska Southcentral

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