Page 310 - Travel Guide
P. 310

The Life and Logistics of an Alaskan Fish Tender Boat and Crew

        Have you ever wondered just how your   each season, which for them generally covers   boats using gill or set nets. The fish are then
      wild caught Alaska salmon and other seafood   a full 90 days through June to September and   constantly spit out the back of the unit for
      is  so very  fresh and  tasty? This story and   occasionally into October if the late season   hose transport up onto a long table for some
      accompanying Travel Guide video, shot   runs are strong.                  very fast sorting into red, silver and dog
      onboard  a  fishing  tender  vessel  waiting  in                          salmon bins.  The different species are each
      Petersburg port to offload to the cannery, help                           automatically weighed once the bins are full
      answer that question.  One of the secrets lies                            and introduced into their holding tanks. Fish
      in advanced technology, which allows tender                               “tickets” are issued to the working boats and
      vessels to be directed by the cannery to exactly                          the catch is also re-weighed at the cannery.
      where they need to be in order to seamlessly                              If the actual total is more than 1% over the
      transfer  the  catch  from  fishing  nets  directly                       recorded weight, the tender vessel must buy
      into their boat.  Another factor in freshness                             those excess fish. The hold water is constantly
      is the impressive system used to pump the                                 monitored  and  graphed  by  automated  high
      fish onboard, sort them by species, dispose of                            tech “hobos” to insure the temperature never
      bycatch, debris and excess water, weigh and                 See Video     rises above the acceptable 29 degrees in
      transport them alive and undamaged to the                                 order to maintain excellent product quality.
      hold, where clean seawater is recirculated by a                             While some “catcher” boats opt to
      50-ton freon based refrigeration unit and kept                            transport their fish to the cannery themselves,
      at exactly 29 degrees for the duration of the                             where they are offloaded before the tenders
      trip back to the cannery.                                                 and paid “run money,” it can be a long haul
        Tom Branshaw is the owner and operator of                               of  commonly 14  to 20 hours, and  fuel costs
      the FV Northern Mariana tender vessel, which                              are high. Capable of carrying 20,000 gallons
      he runs every season with his son-in-law Cole                             of fuel, the Northern Mariana burns 55 gallons
      “Coldwater” Wasson. A fisherman for nearly   The FV Northern Mariana is a mid-sized   an hour while at sea to carry its payload of
      his entire life, Tom has been transporting   tender  designed  to  service  seine  net  fishing   up to 290,000 pounds of salmon. At season’s
      salmon to the canneries for 50 years.  Cole   boats, sucking the fish directly from the nets   end, it’s off to the Seward shipyard for
      splits his year between running the tender   into a large diameter hose powered by a   annual maintenance and repairs, often in the
      with Tom, long line fishing with him for halibut   vacuum system wet pump that fills the waiting   $100,000 and up range.  Watch our Travel
      and black cod, and crabbing in the unforgiving   canister with an astonishing 2000 pounds of   Guide video to see for yourself just how much
      Bering Sea. Together they bring in an average   fish every 20 seconds. A completely different   Tom and Cole value this exceptional life on the
      of 7 million pounds of salmon to the cannery   pumpless  system  is  employed  for  fishing   open waters of the Gulf of Alaska.

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