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dense two per square mile.  The open waters of
      Port Frederick and Icy Strait provide limitless
      opportunities for fishing, wildlife observations and
      kayaking. Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve is
      just 25 miles across Icy Strait.
        The area is known for some of the best humpback
      whale watching in Southeast Alaska. Whales can be
      seen hunting herring individually or in groups of
      about a dozen members. Curious seals and sea lions,
      porpoise, otters and bald eagles also abound.
        Alaska’s only privately-owned cruise ship
      destination, Icy Strait Point is located just outside
      of the town of Hoonah.   The Native owned and
      operated  Huna  Totem  Corporation  coordinates  the
      vast majority of the excursions and activities on
      site, ensuring all guests a consistently high quality,
      culturally authentic experience coordinated  for
      maximum enjoyment.
        For  specific  days  of  operation  and  more   Humpback Whale
                                             photo by:
      information about Icy Strait Point and its attractions,   VC TRAVEL GUIDE
      please visit
      Icy Strait Point                     Rainforest in the comfort of a motor  coach,  or   combined for double the experience and even greater
                                                                                value. Excursions may be purchased when booking
                                           experience the thrill of kayaking, wilderness stream
        Just 1.5 miles from Hoonah, the multi award   fishing  or  ocean  sport  and  halibut  fishing. Trek  by   cruise ship passage, en route or upon arrival at Icy
      winning, private cruise ship destination of Icy Strait   bicycle or guided ATV and Jeep tours, sightsee the   Strait Point. Independent travelers are also welcome
      Point includes a beautifully restored and expanded   village of Hoonah, or take it all in, including Glacier   to partake of the tours.
      early ninteenth century cannery, offering a museum,   Bay National Park, from the air.   The forest and   For more information about excursions and
      restaurants, retail shops, recreational opportunities   natural history tram tour is popular, as are the Spasski   activity options, visit
      and  more than twenty  cultural, history, wilderness   River brown bear and the marine mammal and whale
      and wildlife tours. Knowledgeable local excursion   cruises. Whale sighting is guaranteed and guests can   Tenakee
      guides provide visitors an authentic, personal view   even enjoy a glass of wine or a microbrew on the   Location:  On Chichagof  Island,  south  of
      of Tlingit culture and community. Most excursions   evening excursions.     Hoonah. Population:  100. Serviced  by the
      are between two and three hours and start within   During the hour-long interactive dance and   Alaska Marine Ferry.
      minutes of guests’ arrival, so they can easily take part   cultural legends performance, Tlingit culture comes
      in several during their stay.        alive as the cast is dressed in their regalia, hand-   Early prospectors and fishermen came to Tenakee
        Guests can venture into  Alaska’s pristine   carved masks and colorful headdresses, sharing their   to wait  out  the  winters and  enjoy  the  natural  hot
      wilderness in search of brown bears, learn the art of   heritage through storytelling, songs and dance. All   springs. The town features a bath house with a 105
      filleting and barbecuing fresh Alaska seafood, or get   audience members have the opportunity to participate   degree hot sulfur mineral spring for public bathing,
      a bird’s- eye- view of the expansive landscape from   in a communal Tlingit song and join the dancers on   several  large historic  structures  and the  newly
      one of the world’s longest, largest and highest zip   stage, where they don a button blanket and learn the   restored St Francis Chapel and a boat harbor.  Visitors
      line, all in one visit.              dance steps.                         enjoy the laid back lifestyle, beauty of the inlet and
        Enjoy  a  six-hour  tour  into  the Tongass  National   Some excursions have been conveniently   the pervasive peace and quiet.

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