Page 302 - Travel Guide
P. 302
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Interview with Marlis Mayeda,
General Manager Goldbelt Tram
What is the Goldbelt Tram?
The tram takes a 60 passenger cabin from
the cruise ship dock up 1,800 ft to the top of
Mount Roberts, offering incredible panoramic
views of Juneau and Gastineau in the process.
The tram also takes visitors back down the
How long is the ride?
It takes six minutes each way.
What is there to do when you reach the
top of Mount Roberts?
There is plenty to do at the top. We have
an entire complex, including a wonderful
restaurant, theater, gift shop as well as trails
leading both up and down the mountain.
Tell me about the theater.
We have 120 person theater and show an
award-winning 18 minute film titled “Seeing
Daylight” which was produced by a Boston
production company. They used local actors
and storytellers to beautifully and artistically
tell the story of the Tlingit people, their
traditions, struggles and triumphs. The film
plays every 30 minutes and is appropriate for options are available. Our chefs use local I recommend 1.5 hours, which gives
the entire family. ingredients which really enhance the dining everyone time to get out on one of the trails.
What if the journey to the top of the How long does it take to hike down the
mountain makes me thirsty? Do you have a gift shop? mountain?
We have you covered! Tr’Ale House offers We have a local artist gallery called Goldbelt It depends on the trail you take and we
a variety of Alaskan craft-brewed beers as Gallery that features indigenous, authentic have several of them. They are moderate to
well as wine and cider, all with breath-taking artwork that really captures the rich heritage hard. We also have an easy walking trail that
views of Douglas Island, Gastineau Channel, and traditions of Native peoples. There is also is great for multi-generational families. On the
downtown Juneau, and the majestic Chilkat hand-crafted home decor, accessories and trial you have the opportunity to see birds,
Mountains. jewelry made from ivory, silver and jade. marmots, porcupines and mountain goats.
Also, there are seven totem poles and we
Can you get something to eat? We also have Goldbelt Gifts which is a hope to soon have 13.
Yes! At Tr’Ale House we serve a variety of treasure trove of Alaskan delights. However,
appetizers and dishes that pair well with the it is more than a gift shop as we strive Can you get married at the top of Mount
beer. We have a second place to eat called consciously to embrace quality craftsmanship Roberts?
Timberline Bar and Grill where we serve and support local communities. Yes! We are actually hosting five weddings
succulent wild salmon, sweet Alaskan king this year. The scenery makes for some
crab, plump, flavorful halibut, steak, burgers How long should I plan on spending at the gorgeous wedding pictures.
and much more. Gluten-free and vegetarian top of Mount Roberts?