Page 299 - Travel Guide
P. 299
Port of Juneau in Gastineau Channel
at (907) 766-3094 or see Juneau climate provides Juneau with lush terrain and vibrant
In 1943 the U.S. military built the Haines Highway, Location: Southeast Alaska; 2 hours north of wildflowers. Early settlers included miners during
following the historic Dalton Trail. Today, the fully- Seattle or 1.5 hours southeast of Anchorage by Alaska’s gold rush and Russian fur traders.
paved Haines Highway is the most direct route from jet. Population: 29,000. Visitor Information: Long before the gold rush that resulted in the town
the Inside Passage to the interior of Alaska. Many say Juneau Convention and Visitors Bureau, 800 you see today, Juneau was home to the Auk band of
it is the most scenic drive they have taken anywhere Glacier Avenue, Suite 201, Juneau, Alaska Tlingit. The main village was located at Auke Bay,
in the world. 99801; Toll Free (888) 581-2201; Email: info@ just a mile west of the current ferry terminal. Each
The highway passes through the Bald Eagle; Website: www.traveljuneau. summer, members of the Auk tribe would travel to a
Preserve, then climbs to the impressive summit of com. summer fish camp at the mouth of Dzantiki Heeni,
Chilkat Pass, 62 miles from Haines. Here the road a stream that is now called Gold Creek, to fish for
parallels Canada’s Tatshenshini-Alsek Provincial Alaska’s capital city since 1902, Juneau is flounder. In fact, the gold rush to Juneau that began
Park and Kluane National Park, the latter having been located in the heart of the famous Inside Passage in 1880 might never have occurred had it not been
designated a “World Heritage Site” by the United on Gastineau Channel. The Tongass Rainforest for the Auk and their chief Kowee, who insisted that