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are the airlines flying into Haines, the Haines Highway
                                                                                which closely follows the Dalton Trail to the Klondike
                                                                                Gold Fields, and the Alaska Marine Highway System.
                                                                                Haines and Skagway are the only two Southeast Alaska
                                                       American Bald Eagle Foundation - Haines
                                                                       photo by:  towns served by the ferry system that have connecting
                                                                     TRAVEL GUIDE  highways to the Yukon and interior Alaska.
                                                                                  Haines was originally settled by the Tlingit Native
                                                                                tribes of the Chilkat and Chilkoot clans. They chose
      Haines                               offers unlimited opportunities for outdoor and guided   this area because of its mild climate and the abundance
                                           excursions to suit many interests. Providing a full range
        Location: Mile “0” on Haines Highway;   of business services for visitors, the town is everything   of fish and game. Near the end of the 18th century
                                                                                when the first Caucasians came, the Chilkats were well
        70 miles north of Juneau; 14 miles south   you dreamed Alaska would be.  established as a powerful trading tribe. They became
        of Skagway. Population: 2400.  Visitor   Haines is located in a spectacular setting on the   quite rich by trading rendered fish oil for furs and skins
        Information: Haines Convention and  Visitors   Chilkat Peninsula near the northern end of Lynn   produced in the interior.
        Bureau: P0 Box 530, Haines  Alaska 99827;   Canal. Circled by towering mountains, Haines offers   As an Anglo settlement, Haines was established in
        Phone: (907) 766-2234;  Toll-free (800) 458-  magnificent views in every direction. The town is   1880 as a Presbyterian mission. The mission included
        3579; Email:;  Website:   bordered by the spectacular Chilkat Mountain Range   a school, church, and meeting hall and was named after                   on the west and the Coast Range on the east. The   Mrs. F. E. Haines, the secretary of the Presbyterian
        Tucked in the forests of southeast  Alaska,   historic Chilkat, Chilkoot and White Pass routes to the   Home Mission. Commerce, farming, fishing and
      surrounded by spectacular peaks, glaciers, rivers and   Klondike gold fields lie to the north of the community.   government followed the establishment of the mission
      lakes, and home to abundant birds and wildlife, Haines   The best ways to access this friendly community   and contributed to the area’s growth.

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