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contributing  to  the  building  of  Skagway’s  first
                                                                                church and founding an “Adopt a Dog” program.
                                                                                When Soapy’s gang robbed a man of his gold dust,
                                                                                tempers  flared  and  events  culminated  in  a  final
                                                                                showdown.  The audience witnesses this historic
                                                                                moment and the conclusion to the story, keeping
                                                                                Skagway’s colorful history alive. The Days of ‘98
                                                                                Show features can-can dancing, ragtime music and
                                                                                Robert Service poetry.
                                                                                  Visitors can see  The Days of 98 Show in the
                                                                                beautifully restored Eagles Hall, located at 6th and
                                                                                Broadway in downtown Skagway, with multiple
                                                                                shows daily. Phone (907) 983-2545 or visit www.
                                                                       for additional information.
                                                                                  White Pass & Yukon Route
                                                                                  “Scenic Railway of the World”
                                                                                  The  White Pass &  Yukon Route Railroad, a
                                                                  See Video     narrow  gauge  rail  line,  offers  several  different
                                                                                scenic train excursions from Skagway along the
                                                                                first 67.5 miles of the original 110-mile route that
                                                                                once connected Skagway, Alaska with Whitehorse,
                                                                                Yukon  Territory.  The journey traces the historic
                                                                                “Trail of ’98” which led thousands of gold-seekers
                                                                                from the staging grounds at Skagway to the gold
                                                                   Days of ‘98 Show  fields of the Klondike in Canada’s Yukon Territory.
                                                                       photo by:
                                                                    VC TRAVEL GUIDE  Today the railway provides passenger service in
                                                                                comfortable restored and replica coaches pulled
                                                                                by diesel-electric locomotives through the coastal
      is served by both motor coach and rail. A ticket   Windy Arm of Tagish Lake.  mountains between Skagway and Carcross,  YT,
      on the historic  White Pass and  Yukon Route   Near the summit of the Klondike Highway   along Lake Bennett in British Columbia.
      Railroad includes bus service between Whitehorse   Pass you’ll encounter a scene that resembles a   Construction of the  WP&YR began in 1898
      and Fraser, British Columbia via the Klondike   moonscape more than any earthly vista. Ancient,   during the height of the Klondike Gold Rush and
      Highway. At Fraser you’ll board the narrow-gauge   twisted trees cling to rocks polished smooth by   was completed only 26 months later in July 1900.
      railroad for the rest of your journey to Skagway.   prehistoric glaciers, or crumbled by years of   Considered at the time to be one of the greatest feats
      This is a spectacular trip over White Pass and the   erosion.  Waterfalls, glaciers and glimpses of the   of modern history, the $10 million project involved
      famous Trail of ’98 Gold Rush route.  White Pass &  Yukon Route Railroad and  White   450  tons of  explosives  and tens of  thousands  of
        By Sea                             Pass  Trail are among the highlights of the drive   men laboring in harsh and challenging conditions
        Skagway is a popular port on the Alaska Marine   from the summit to seaside Skagway.  to construct this breathtaking engineering model.
      Highway System. A fleet of modern, car-carrying   The Days of ’98 Show celebrates 100 years in   In l994, the railway was designated an International
      vessels serves all of Southeast Alaska. Northbound   2023!  Presented by Goldrush Productions  Historic Civil Engineering Landmark, a designation
      travelers can access the system at Bellingham,   When Princess streamships made their town a   shared  with  the  Panama  Canal,  Eiffel  Tower  and
      Washington and Prince Rupert, British Columbia;   port of call in 1923, the people of Skagway created   Statue of Liberty.
      southbound travelers usually embark at Haines   a  Vaudevillian musical show for the tourists, in   One of the Railroad’s most popular excursions is
      or  Skagway.  Some  vessels  have  an  observation   hopes of raising money for their local hockey team   a three-hour, forty-mile round trip from sea level up
      lounge, bar, cafeteria and solarium where camping   to compete against  Whitehorse.  The Days of ‘98   to the 2865 foot summit of White Pass, considered
      is allowed free of charge. Mainline vessels also   Show with Soapy Smith was an instant hit, drawing   one of the world’s most spectacular train rides,
      feature stateroom accommodations.    on real historical records to portray the last day of   with steep grades and cliff-hanging turns. The fully
        By Land                            this terrorizing outlaw’s life on July 8, l898.  narrated tour features two tunnels, sky-high trestles
        If you are traveling by car or RV, you’ll join the   Jefferson  Randolph  “Soapy”  Smith  was  born   and bridges, historic sites and spectacular scenery
      growing number of visitors who travel the Alaska   in Georgia in l861 and ventured west as a young   affording panoramic views of glaciers, gorges and
      Highway each year. Skagway is only 110 miles   man. He learned his trade as a con man during the   cascading waterfalls.  The steel cantilever bridge
      south from the  Alaska Highway, via the South   silver and gold rushes of Colorado and eventually   was the tallest of its kind in the world when it was
      Klondike Highway.  The lakes of the  Yukon and   made it to Skagway in the fall of 1897. Skagway at   constructed in 1901.
      British Columbia that you’ll pass along the way   that time was described by Canadian Mountie Sam   White Pass &  Yukon Route evolved into a
      are the headwaters of the great Yukon River. This   Steele as “a little better than hell on earth!”   fully integrated transportation company operating
      modern two-lane highway is an easy drive and   Soapy formed a gang and reigned supreme for   docks, trains, stage coaches, sleighs, buses, paddle
      passes through the historic community of Carcross,   nine months as  Alaska’s most notorious outlaw.   wheelers, trucks, ships, airplanes, hotels and
      with hotel, gas, food and other visitor services   While his men did most of the dirty work, Soapy   pipelines, ultimately pioneering the innovative
      available, and past the ruins of the Venus Mine on   tried to establish himself as a solid citizen,   inter-modal  (ship-train-truck)  movement  of
                                                                                containers. The company suspended operations in
                                                                                1982 when Yukon’s mining industry collapsed due
                                                                                to low mineral prices. The railway was reopened
                                                                                in 1988 as a seasonal tourism operation and today
                                                                                carries over 380,000 passengers during the May to
                                                                                September tourism season.
                                                                                  Come discover your own personal gold rush
                                                                                with the White Pass & Yukon Route Railway as it
                                                                                steams through its second century of history. For
                                                                                detailed information, visit their website at www.
                                                                      ; phone: 1-800-343-7373.
                                                                                  The Red Onion Saloon
                                                                                  Now a National Historic Building, the Red
                                                                                Onion Saloon was Skagway’s most exclusive
                                                                                bordello. Built in 1897 with planks cut by the
                                                                                founder of Skagway, Captain William Moore, the

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