Page 291 - Travel Guide
P. 291
Gold Panning
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Red Onion Saloon opened for business in 1898, Skagway’s Exciting New Developments:
serving alcohol on the first floor while the upper The dugout canoe at the Skagway Museum is a
floor satisfied more than the prospector’s thirst. The rare example of the Northern style working canoe of
brothel consisted of ten tiny cubicles, called cribs, the Haida people. The Haida Canoe Revitalization
each ten foot by ten foot with three exits, one into Group is working on a 3D mapping project that will
the hallway and into each of the adjoining rooms. produce construction drawings to be shared with
To decorate their cribs, the women stretched the museum, Skagway Traditional Council, and
linen across the rough planks, and then glued Library of Congress via the National Park Service’s
Historic American Engineering Record. Leading
wallpaper to the cloth. Remnants of the original the charge on this project is Stormy Hamar, Haida
wallpapers still cling to the planks. Some of the Raven of the Kyaanuu Salii clan and Jason Rucker,
girls who worked in Skagway were Birdie Ash, a boat builder, historic preservationist and captain
Big Dessie, Popcorn Lil, the Oregon Mare, Babe of historic ships.
Davenport, Pea Hull Annie, Kitty Faith, the Belle The Skagway Recreation Center is a fully
of Skagway and Klondike Kate. furnished community fitness facility for all ages
By late 1899, business began to suffer and most with the primary purpose of bringing people
of the women moved north to Dawson, which was together in a positive, fun environment by offering
closer to the gold fields and had big gambling a wide range of activities, events and classes. Their
casinos and dance halls. As the railroad became the outdoor spaces include a skate park, playground,
center of business for Skagway, numerous buildings basketball court/ice rink and outdoor art gallery
were moved closer to the depot. The Red Onion with exciting works painted by Skagway locals.
was moved in 1914 with one horse from Sixth Beyond Skagway Tours offers a private
and State Street to its current Broadway location. tour taking groups of up to 11 people to all the
Unfortunately, the Onion was dragged around the favorite local spots to enjoy some sips and savors
and learn more about how they are created. Start
corner backwards and the front and back of the your day enjoying coffee at Glacial Coffeehouse
building had to be removed in order to switch them. and Espresso, then sightsee up the White Pass
Chilkoot Trail and across the border into Canada. Take in the
The trail is a National Historic Site of Canada breathtaking views with a drink and some delicious
in British Columbia, and is part of Klondike Gold locally sourced bison at the Yukon Suspension
Rush National Historical Park in the United States. Bridge. After heading back down to Skagway, learn
The Chilkoot Trail and Dyea Site were designated more about the process of distilling and relax with a
a U.S. National Historic Landmark in 1978. In craft cocktail at Skagway Spirits Distillery. Finally,
1998, Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site in BC stop into a favorite local haunt, Klondike Brewing
joined the US Park to form the Klondike Gold Rush Company for a tour, a flight of their fantastic beer
International Historical Park. and some delicious food. The tour ends in the
Information and maps are available from the heart of historic downtown Skagway, so guests can
National Park Service at the old train depot visitor continue their explorations from there, or be taken
center in Skagway; (907) 983-9200. Pick up a back to the ship by their private tour guide.
Skagway Brewing Company plans to offer a
hiking permit and register for Canadian customs at tour that pairs with other stops highlighting the best
the Trail Center at 520 Broadway. The White Pass of what Skagway offers. The onsite tour includes
& Yukon Route train is available every day from a flight of beer, an introduction of the brewing
Lake Bennett back to Skagway. process and an overview of the company from their
roots in the Gold Rush days to the very modern and
SPECIAL EVENTS sustainable building/operation it is today. The tour
Buckwheat International Ski Classic: March ends with a private viewing of the onsite aeroponic
Skagway Spring Festival and Folk Festival: Apr. farm and time for shopping in the gift shop. Their
Independance Day Celebrations: July 4th exquisite food menu and citrusy spruce tip ale are
Duff’s Skagway Marathon: June internationally known.
Klondike Road Relay: September Skagway Alaska Escapes has premiered their