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Whitepass Yukon Route
                                                                       photo by:
                                                                    VC TRAVEL GUIDE

      new game “Snow on the Tracks,” which has guests   National Forest’s temperate rainforests, to younger
      playing as a gang of convicts who have ended up on   vegetation forming along the retreat of the glacier.
      the wrong side of the law. While being transported   At the trailhead hikers pass a 1960s red caboose
      by train to stand trial, an avalanche hits the train,   that has been converted into a basic cabin and is
      leaving it teetering over “Dead Grizzly Gulch.”   available for rent through the US Forest Service.
      With more avalanches looming, the crew abandons   Duff’s Skagway Marathon & Half Marathon
      the convicts. Guests have just one hour to solve the   is a 26-mile run that climbs multiple hills as it
      puzzles, and work together as a team to escape the   traces its way through pristine Southeast Alaskan
      boxcar  before  being  knocked  off  the  cliff.  Come   fjord coastline and a glacially-carved valley, an
      “brave the boxcar” and see if you escape. Note: This   enchanting Sitka Spruce wood, over the Taiya River
      game is family friendly, but does feature darker   trestle bridge, past numerous trickling streams
      lighting,  loud  noises  and  fog  effects,  which  may   and up West Creek Valley before finally reaching
      scare younger guests or those with sensory issues.   a forest opening with a spectacular view of West
      The “Sensory Friendly  Version” of the game is   Creek Glacier and breathtaking mountain peaks and
      more relaxed and has minor adjustments to sound,   alpine scenery. A modified route was created during
      lighting and other sensory effects in the game. The   the pandemic so the race would finish at Skagway’s
      door to the escape room is also allowed to be open,   Dedman’s Stage with food, fair, music, beer and
      and guests can take breaks on the porch if needed.   more. Progress is being made to get the new course
      Players are allowed to bring comfort and support   certified as a Boston Marathon qualifier.
      items into the game.  This option accommodates   The newest development for Glacial Naturals is
      guests with young children, and those with sensory   a traditional copper alembic still for crafting truly
      and vestibular sensitivities, anxiety, PTSD,   artisanal hydrosols with local wild harvested and
      dementia, autism spectrum disorders, learning   organically cultivated plants, for misting, ingesting
      differences  or  challenges  that  prevent  them  from   or as a health tonic. Some plants are harvested and
      playing most escape rooms.           distilled at specific moments of astrology and the
        Klondike Electric Bicycles is now running   moon phases, with harmonious crystals to increase
      their highly rated, clean, quiet and eco-friendly   energetic potency, and made with Ceremony and
      “Skagway City Highlights  E-Bike  Tour”  twice   smudged with smoke. Used to cleanse and protect
      every day. In addition, the new, exciting and   your aura  and  facilitate your energetic practices
      intimate “Skagway Trail and Sail Tour” allows up to   harnessing the dynamics of the heavens.
      six guests to experience the rush of riding E-Bikes   The Vintage Photo Experience involves up to
      while exploring the sights, sounds and history of   one hour of fun playing dress up in 1898 costumes.
      Skagway. Guests then disembark their bikes at   Afterwards, participants will be treated to a photo
      the small boat harbor and board the 50’ sailing   shoot of 15 to 20 smart phone photos, including
      vessel “Hopscotch” for an approximately 3-hour   many  different  poses  and  locations  inside  the
      sail along the Taiya Inlet and Lynn Canal, taking   store, some serious, some funny and spontaneous.
      in the magnificent Lower Reid Waterfall, bountiful   Afterwards,  everyone  is  invited  to  use  their  own
      wildlife and an epic  Alaskan lunch prepared by   creativity to record videos, take more photos, or
      Chef Ben.  Captain Branden will amaze you with   even go outside to take advantage of the incredible
      his skill and maybe even let you steer the ship!    historic backgrounds available in Skagway.
      This unique tour powered by sustainable sources   Bites on Broadway has a new event space: “The
      is like nothing else in Alaska and will surely be the   Skagway Social House Cabaret” hosts drag queen
      highlight of any vacation.           brunches, live music, wine tasting and pop-up
        Klondike Cars provides electric cars for a trip   events.  The venue offers beer and wine and a New
      on the South Klondike Highway into the  Yukon,   Taste of Alaska menu with salmon, reindeer, bison,
      furnished with a mile-by-mile tour information   elk and rhubarb, using their outdoor covered patio
      binder or app.                       for seating and other special events.
        Alaska Excursions is excited to announce the   Boreal Artworks & Aurora Yarns of Alaska:
      installation of a hydroelectric power system at   In addition to highly sought after muskox qiviut
      their  Adventure  Camp,  transitioning  from  diesel   wool yarns and garments, art prints, photographs,
      generator  to  hydroelectric  power  flowing  directly   pottery, buffalo leather goods, coastal scent candles
      from glaciers to produce clean energy for their zip-  and  an  exquisite  Alaskan  glacier  and  wildflower
      line and dog camp tours.             inspired series  of jewelry by  local  metalsmith
        Now part of the Old Growth Forest Network,   Jessica Medlin, shoppers can now choose among
      the 6.4-mile round trip  Denver  Glacier Trail   silky-soft  woolen  Glacier  Blankets  featuring
      is located 5.5 miles north of Skagway and can   Alaskan landscape images of Laughton Glacier and
      be reached easily from the  White Pass &  Yukon   Glacier Bay, yoga mats emblazoned with inspiring
      Route Railroad from May to September.  The   and restorative Alaskan landscapes, luxurious wool
      forest surrounding this trail demonstrates a range   art scarves, and a gorgeous hand-dyed watercolor
      of conditions, from lush old-growth spruce and   yarn series inspired by the work of local Skagway
      hemlocks trees characteristic of the  Tongass   watercolor artist Stephanie Ryan.
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