Page 68 - Travel Guide
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Chetwynd’s Famous
Chainsaw Carvings
Chetwynd is now graced by over 175 beautiful
and finely detailed chainsaw carvings of
animals, legendary figures and scenes scattered
throughout town. The 4-day International
Chainsaw Carving Championship, held the 2nd
weekend in June, is attended by about a dozen
carvers from as far away as Australia and Japan.
Maps of sculpture locations are available at the
Visitor Information Centre to assist in a very
photo by: memorable stroll to enjoy the fine workmanship
VC TRAVEL GUIDE of this unique legacy.
atmosphere is totally relaxing. Guests are encouraged Masset
to visit the pilothouse and take a turn at the wheel, Location: Northern end of Graham Island, the
or tour the spotless engine room to watch the smooth largest of the 150 islands that comprise the Queen
operation of the antique engine. Charlotte Islands/Haida Gwaii. Population: 1000.
Pacific Tugboat Adventures pioneered the concept The Visitor Information Booth (complete with
of “follow the fish” and cruises every day to enjoy sani-station) is located at the entrance to the
world class salmon and halibut fishing on British village. Contact Information: Village of Masset,
Columbia’s exquisite Inside Passage. Majestic fjords PO Box 68 Masset, BC V0T 1M0; Phone: (250)
with calm water, velvet forests and waterfalls create 626-3995; E-mail:
a true paradise for whales, eagles, bears and wolves.
Professional guides take care of keeping you on the AT PRINCE GEORGE JCT. YELLOWHEAD
fish while your captain’s itinerary is set to enjoy the HWY 16 & JOHN HART HWY 97 NORTH TO
bounties of this wonderful coast.
Location: Northeast end of Moresby Island, JOHN HART HWY 97 NORTH TO JCT.
between Shingle Bay and Hecate Strait; on WITH HWY 39 TO MACKENZIE
Moresby Island’s largest area of flat land.
Population: 600. Visitor Information Centre: In Mackenzie
Sandspit Air Terminal (May-September), P.O. Location: Highway 39; 29km (18 miles) west
Box 482, Sandspit, BC V0T 1T0. Phone: (250) of the junction of Highways 39 and 97; 185 km
637-5362; Website: (120 miles) north of Prince George. Population:
4,500. Visitor Information: Mackenzie Visitor
The Queen Charlotte Islands, also known as Haida InfoCentre at highway junction; Phone (250)
Gwaii, are referred to as Canada’s Galapagos because 750-4497. Mackenzie Chamber of Commerce,
they harbor an extensive population of animals and 86 Centennial Drive, PO Box 880, Mackenzie,
plants not found anywhere else on earth. Many visitors BC V0J 2C0; Phone (250) 997-5459; Email:
arrive on the Islands by scheduled daily flights from District of
Vancouver and Prince Rupert to Sandspit’s modern Mackenzie: Email: info@district.mackenzie.
air terminal, at the gateway to Gwaii Haanas National
Park Reserve, encompassing the southern half of
Moresby and adjacent islands. Public and connecting Located in the central interior of British Columbia
logging roads end at Moresby Camp, some 30 miles in the Rocky Mountain Trench, Mackenzie lies at the
north of the Park Reserve, which is accessible only base of the Omineca Mountain Range with the Rocky
by water or air. Mountains to the east. The town was named after the
famous explorer Alexander Mackenzie, who camped
Queen Charlotte Village near the town site on his epic journey to the Pacific
in 1793. Until 1965, the area was wilderness. As a
Location: Graham Island, west of Skidegate result of the development of large pulp and lumber
on Bearskin Bay. Population: 1,045. Visitor manufacturing facilities, the District of Mackenzie
Information: 3922 Highway 33, Box 819 Queen was created. Mackenzie is the gateway to Williston
Charlotte, B.C. V0T 1S0; Phone: (250) 559- Lake, the largest man-made reservoir in North
8316; E-mail: America, created by the W.A.C. Bennett Dam on the
Peace River.
Location: Graham Island at the entrance to JOHN HART HWY 97 NORTH
Bearskin Bay on Skidegate Inlet. Population: 723.
Port Clements Location: Junction of Highways 97 and 29;
101 km (63 miles) west of Dawson Creek; 303
Location: Middle of Graham Island. 45 minutes km (189 miles) north of Prince George; 88 km
northeast of the Village of Queen Charlotte, (55 miles) to WAC Bennett Dam. Population:
30 minutes south of Massett. Population: 3,100. Area Population: 7,000. Visitor
Approximately 700. Visitor Information: Village Information: Chetwynd Visitor Centre, 5400
of Port Clements, Box 198, Port Clements, North Access Road just off Highway 97; Phone:
BC V0T 1R0; Phone: (250) 557-4295; Email: (250) 788-1943; Email: tourist@gochetwynd. com; Website: