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adventurers  with  a  bit  of  extra  time  there  are  fly-  Dawson Creek is situated in the panoramic   Alaska Highway.
      in  fishing  opportunities  or  riverboat  tours  along   rolling foothills of northeastern British Columbia’s   Located on what was once known as Beaver
      many rivers and streams. Treks will take the hiker   Peace River Country and is best known as “Mile   Plains,  Dawson Creek was named for George
      to unimaginable vistas and who knows what a bit   0”  on the  Alaska Highway.  The construction of   Mercer Dawson,  who recognized  the agricultural
      of gold panning might produce from some of those   the famous Alaska Highway was a major factor in   potential of the area as he surveyed the Peace
      Klondike streams!  This is the start of the  Alaska   Dawson Creek’s growth in the 1940s. Planned by   River  Country  in 1879.    Today,  Dawson  Creek’s
      Highway.  Enjoy your visit!          the United States as an urgent strategic move in the   agricultural  industry  generates  over  $100  million
                                           war with Japan, the highway’s initial purpose was   annually. Most of the province’s grains, forage and
      Dawson Creek                         solely military. The army used 11,000 soldiers and   oil seeds are grown in the area and Dawson Creek
                                           16,000 civilians to build the road. The first soldiers
                                                                                has been among the largest grain shipping points in
        Location:  Junction  of  Highways  97N,  97S,   and supplies arrived near Dawson Creek in early   Canada. The livestock industry produces firm, well-
        2 and 49; 75 km (45 miles) to Fort St. John;   March of 1942 and the official start of construction   flavored meat. Beekeepers produce heavy yields of
        409 km (256 miles) to Prince  George; 615   took place on March 8.      prize honey.  Vegetables are raised in commercial
        km (370 miles) to Edmonton; 2395 km (1560   In  subsequent  days  the  influx  continued   quantities on the Peace River flats. Many farmers in
        miles) to Fairbanks,  Alaska. Population:   and Dawson Creek’s population grew from   the area have diversified and bison and reindeer can
        12,000. Visitor Information: Tourism Dawson   approximately 600 to 10,000. On November 20,   be observed in many farm fields in the area.
        Creek Visitor Info Centre, 900 Alaska Avenue   1942 just eight months and 12 days from start-up, the   Dawson Creek is a well-developed rural
        V1G 3E7; Phone (250) 782-9595 or (866)   highway was officially opened. Since 1946, when it   municipality, acting as a service and supply centre
        645-3022; Fax (250) 782-9538; Email: info@  was taken over by Canada, the highway has become   to secondary industries in the area including coal;  Website:  www.  a vital commercial artery not only for Alaska, but   mining, forestry and oil and gas production.  A The Visitor  Info   also for northern British Columbia and the Yukon.   wafer board plant on the northern outskirts of town
        Centre is located in the Northern  Alberta   The hub of four major highways, Dawson Creek is   uses poplar and aspen, long considered weeds by
        Railways Park, adjacent to the traffic circle at   a gateway for travelers and a popular stopover point   Peace Country farmers, to produce the product
        actual Mile Zero of the Alaska Highway.  for tourists traveling northward along the 1500-mile   which is stronger than plywood. Several of the

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