Page 74 - Travel Guide
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a trapper’s cabin with an original fur press and an
Alaska Highway construction exhibit. The Museum
is open year round. In addition to the Museum,
Pomeroy Sport Centre visitors can take a walk through time on the Heritage
photo by:
City of Fort St John Kiosk Walking Tour. This self-guided tour leads
from the Museum into the downtown past kiosks
depicting Fort St. John from the 1930s to the 1960s.
championship 18-hole Lone Wolf golf course with to Whitehorse, Yukon. Population: 18,000. Be sure to pick up a map at the Visitor Info Centre
pro shop, lounge, driving range and tennis courts. A Visitor Information Centre: 9324 - 96 Street, before setting out.
two-mile trail circling the course is used in winter Fort St. John, BC V1J 6V5; Phone: (250) The completion of the first-class North Peace
for cross country skiing. 785-3033; Toll Free: (877) 785-6037; Email: Cultural Centre complex in 1992 provides the area
Kiskatinaw Provincial Park, located 15 miles; Website: www. with a modern facility that houses a live theatre, art
south of Taylor toward Dawson Creek, protects the gallery, public library and an ideal place to show off
unique bridge that was an engineering coup of the impressive and diverse local talent. Peace Gallery
Alaska Highway Construction period. Fearing a Fort St. John is the oldest non-native settlement North features 12-17 exhibitions each year and a
Japanese invasion of Alaska during WW II, nearly on the B.C. mainland. In 1793, when Alexander gift shop brimming with local pottery and prints for
11,000 troops endured extreme conditions to build the Mackenzie came to the river flat on the Peace River, sale.
1520-mile Alaska Highway. At the Kiskatinaw River south of the City’s current location, he recognized its Fort St. John combines the best of urban amenities
a hairpin turn forced the construction of this sloped, potential as a site for a fur trading post. Following with natural wonders, offering outdoor recreational
190-foot wooden bridge, which has a 9-degree curve further exploration the first fort was established in opportunities, excellent year round sports facilities,
to conform to the bend of the highway. Construction 1794. Through the years, the site of the settlement a strong local arts community and a robust retail
required 9 months to complete the first curved bridge moved from one side of the river to the other, sector. The city boasts numerous ball diamonds,
in Canada. occupying a number of different locations on the tennis courts, soccer fields, a golf course, indoor
Special events include the World’s Invitational Peace River. pool, outdoor spray park, skateboard park, a curling
Gold Panning Championships in August and winter Today Fort St. John sits on a plateau north of rink and two indoor ice arenas. There are walking
dog sled races. the Peace River in the midst of some of BC’s trails, abundant fishing and hunting opportunities
finest farmland, with more than 800 farms in the and numerous Provincial Parks in the area. In winter
Peace River North Region. The area is also a major there are many snowmobile trails and cross-country
Fort St. John exporter of forest products. skiing trails in the area for everyone’s use.
The first major growth for Fort St. John occurred
Charlie Lake is located 4 miles northwest of Fort
Location: Milepost 47 on Alaska Highway in 1942 when the Alcan Military Road, now St. John, at Milepost 51. The boat launch on the
and BC 97; 47 miles north of Dawson Creek, known as the world famous Alaska Highway, was southeast shore allows access to excellent fishing
276 miles north of Prince George, 846 miles completed in a short nine months. It linked Northern for walleye, yellow perch and northern pike. Beatton
BC & Alaska and brought a new dimension to Provincial Park provides campsites and is open year
life in the North. With the building of the Alaska round for fishing, hiking or cross country skiing and
Highway came many opportunities for industrial snow shoeing. Golfers may enjoy the 18-hole course
development, therefore Fort St. John’s population and driving range of the local country club on the
grew rapidly. In 1951, gas and oil were discovered lake. Formed by ice-damming on the Peace River,
in the area. By 1957 an oil and gas refinery and gas Charlie Lake was inhabited by Paleo Indians over
plant were under construction at Taylor. 10,000 years ago, as evidenced by archeological
Dining facilities range from convenient fast food finds in the Charlie Lake Cave. In the early 1940s
outlets to fine dining. Overnight accommodations Charlie Lake was a major supply camp for the
are available to suit all budgets, from motels with construction of the Alaska Highway and was the
kitchen facilities to hotels offering executive suites scene of the project’s worst accident, when a large
and convention facilities. If you prefer camping in raft carrying tractors across the lake broke apart in a
the great outdoors, the area surrounding Fort St. storm, killing 12 men.
John provides a mosaic of forests, lakes and rivers,
hills and valleys, farmland, clear clean skies and an SPECIAL EVENTS:
abundance of wildlife. High on Ice Winter Festival: January
Adjacent to the Visitor Centre in Centennial Park, Chocolate Festival: February
a monument stands honoring Alexander Mackenzie Peace River North Festival of Performing Arts:
and other explorers whose courage and vision April
pioneered frontier development in the northwest. Peace River North Theatre Festival: May
The Fort St. John - North Peace Museum is Fort St. John Kennel Club Dog Show: May
a popular attraction for visitors and residents in Farmer’s Market: May to December
the North Peace. The Museum features pioneer Canada Day Celebrations: July 1
exhibits showing artifacts in their natural settings. Classic Car Shows: July and August
Items included are a reconstructed schoolhouse, North Peace Fall Fair: August