Page 87 - Travel Guide
P. 87

ALASKA HWY 1, WATSON LAKE TO                                                       Watson Lake AK  Hwy Interpretive Centre
               WHITEHORSE & TOK, AK                                                                           photo by:
                                                                                                          VC Travel Guide

      Watson Lake
        Location:  “Gateway  to  the  Yukon”  Milepost
        635 just inside  the Yukon border on the  60th
        parallel;  Junctions  of  Alaska  Highway  1  and
        Campbell Highway 4, near the junction of the
        Stewart-Cassiar Highway and the B.C. border;
        300 miles southeast of Whitehorse. Population:
        Approximately 1,700. Visitor Information: The   The Northern Lights Space and Science Centre is   Visitors  will  find  complete  services  available  in
        Alaska Highway Interpretive  Centre  in the   a unique facility  featuring the amazing phenomena   Watson Lake. There are motel/hotels, campgrounds,
        Watson Lake Recreation  Centre;  Email:  vic.  known as the Aurora Borealis. Boasting state-of-the-  R.V.  parks,  restaurants,  bakery  and  library  with Chamber of Commerce:   art panoramic video and surround-sound systems, the   northern videos.  And if cold lakes do not appeal, the
        Watson  Lake  Chamber, PO Box 591,  Watson   Centre incorporates  interactive  displays explaining   indoor  heated  pool  located  next  to  the  Community
        Lake,  YT  Y0A 1C0; Phone: (867) 536-8022;   the science  and folklore of the Northern Lights as   Hall is open all summer.  In addition, water fun can be
        Email:  wlchamberofcommerce@northwestel.  well as the Canadian space program, which played   had by all at the Lucky Lake Waterslide Park.
        net; Website:  an important part in early aurora research.  The   Trout, grayling  and northern  pike  abound in the
                                           spectacular dancing colors are showcased in Yukon’s   waters of southern Yukon. The public campground on
        “Watson Lake  Wye” began  as a humble  trading   Northern  Lights,  a  video  that  is  broadcast  in  the   Watson Lake has a boat launching area where visitors
      post in the late 1890s and was named after Frank   NLC’s domed 100-seat theatre daily throughout the   can  easily  put-in  for  fine  trout  fishing,  and  for  the
      Watson, who trapped and prospected in the area. In   summer  season. During  the  winter  season,  Watson   more  ardent  sports  fishermen  there  are  several  fly-
      l897 at the age of 14, Frank and his father set out   Lake  puts the  Northern  Lights  Centre  to  good use   in fishing lodges a short flight from the community.
      for the Yukon in search of gold. Fighting their way   for community events, space science education and   Several  big  game  outfitters  are  also  headquartered
      through unmapped country, they arrived on the upper   movies.             here. Local outfitters offer guided trips for hunting,
      Liard  River  to the  shores of Fish Lake,  named  by
      the  native  Kaska  Indians  for  its  abundance  of  fish.
      When his father returned to California in 1900, Frank
      stayed behind to work their claims and later married
      a Kaska woman. The lake retained  his name when
      construction began on the military airport in 1941 and
      the Alaska Highway, completed in 1942.
        Former trading posts in the region date back to the
      early 19th century, but they didn’t endure. It wasn’t
      until  1887 and the  Cassiar Gold Rush, that  a new
      trading post and store was erected at the current site
      of Lower Post, just south of Watson Lake.
        Present day Watson Lake is the key transportation,
      communications  and distribution  center  for mining
      and logging activities in southern Yukon, northern BC
      and a portion of the Northwest Territories.
        Watson Lake is well known for its famed collection
      of signposts started by a homesick soldier while the
      Alaska Highway was under construction.  Through
      the  years,  the  “Signpost  Forest”  has  grown to  over
      72,000 signs as tourists from around the world have
      continued to erect signs from their hometowns.
        Located  in  the  Watson  Lake  Recreation  Centre,
      the Alaska  Highway  Interpretive  Centre  is  the  first
      stop in the Yukon for northbound travelers. Besides
      providing visitors with full information about the
      Yukon, the  Centre  brings the  fascinating  history
      of the  Alaska Highway to life,  beginning with its
      construction. A series of photo murals and displays
      and a three-projector  audiovisual  presentation
      dramatizes  the entire  history in a unique way with
      sound  and  visual  effects.  Stop  in  and  say  hello  to
      Rene, Trudy and Lelah! Open 8 AM to 8 PM mid-
      May to mid-September.
        In addition to the  Alaska Highway Interpretive
      Centre, the Recreation Centre features a community
      hall,  squash  courts,  fitness  room,  a  youth  centre,
      bowling alley, hockey arena and curling club.

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