Page 90 - Travel Guide
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                                                               Watson Lake Sign Post Forest
                                                                       photo by:
                                                                    VC Travel Guide

                                             SPECIAL EVENTS
                                             Yukon Open - Alpine Ski Competition: March
                                             Northern Historical Display: June-August
                                             Kaska Days: June
                                             Canada Day Festivities, Lucky Lake: July 1 st
                                             Discovery Days Celebration: mid-August
                                             Arts in the Park & Community Market:

                                                     JCT. ALASKA HWY 1
                                                  & ROBERT CAMPBELL HWY 4

                                                     JCT. ALASKA HWY 1            Teslin
                                                & BC STEWART-CASSIAR HWY 37       photo by:
                                                                                  Teslin Tlingit Heritage Centre
                                           Swift River
                                             Location: Alaska Highway 1 Milepost 733, on   a summer camp and meeting place for Tlingit from
                                             the 60th Parallel, approximately 100 miles west   coastal Alaska and BC. The name Teslin is derived
                                             of Watson Lake.                    from the Inland Tlingit word tás ten, or “long sewing
                                                                                sinew”, referring to the 78-mile long lake. There is a
                                             Visitors  will  find  lodging,  fuel,  free  RV  parking,   day-use area and boat launch at the north end of the
                                           a restaurant and gift shop at the Continental Divide   impressive Nisutlin Bay Bridge, which has the longest
                                           Lodge.    The  river  provides  great  fishing  for Arctic   span on the Alaska Highway at 1916 feet.
                                           grayling and bull trout.  The Swift River eventually   Eleven species of fish populate the lake, with lake
                                           joins with the Yukon to drain a great portion of Alaska   trout being the most popular. In late summer, chinook
                                           into the Bering Sea.                 and chum salmon travel up the Teslin River to spawn.
                                                                                The area is also good for duck, goose and moose
                                           Teslin                               hunting.
                                             Location: Milepost 804 on Alaska Highway 1,   During the 1898 gold rush,  Teslin became a
                                             167 miles northwest of  Watson Lake and 107   stopover point on the Canadian route to the Klondike.
      fishing, photo safaris, horseback rides, and hiking and   miles south of  Whitehorse. Population: 450.   The Hudson’s Bay Company established a trading
      camping.                               Visitor Information: Information Kiosk, Village   post, which closed down by 1903 but was replaced by
        The upper reaches of the Liard River created   of Teslin, PO Box 130, Teslin, Yukon Y0A 1B0;   the historic Nisutlin Trading Post.
      a mini gold rush as early as the 1850s. Today, any   Phone: (867) 390-2530; Email:;   Teslin continued to grow with the arrival of the
      sand bar along the river will produce fine gold for the   Website:  Northwest Mounted Police. Still in use as a parish hall,
      amateur panner. It is advised to check with the mining                    an Anglican Mission was built in 1906, and the Roman
      recorder’s office first.               This community on  Teslin Lake was originally   Catholic Mission was established in 1938.
                                                                                  Today  the  community has  an  airport,  restaurants,
                                                                                RV camping and accommodations.  There are also
                                                                                boat rentals, houseboat tours, charter fishing outfitters
        The First Stop In The Yukon                                             and an air charter service. The well-stocked Nisutlin
                                                                                Trading Post offers motel rooms, groceries, gear and
                                                                                service station. The Northern Wildlife Gallery in the
                                                           Town Prices
                         Souvenirs • Snacks                                     Yukon Motel houses an impressive display of wildlife.
                                                                                  Teslin has the largest Tlingit artifact collection in
                  Soft Ice Cream • Internet Service     Open Year Round         the Yukon. Located on the highway 1 km west of the
                      Towing For AAA & BCAA                Gas • Diesel         Nisutlin  Bay  Bridge,  the  George  Johnston  Museum
                          Fishing Licenses             Caravanʼs Discount       preserves the photography of the Tlingit elder, trapper,
               Milepost 590, Alaska Highway • Yukon                             fur trader and entrepreneur who captured the life of the
                                                         TOWING                 inland Tlingit people of Teslin and Atlin between 1910
                             (867) 536-2262                                     and 1940. Johnston (1884–1972) also brought the first
                                                                                car to Teslin where it is now on display, along with
                           E-Mail:                            Tlingit ceremonial robes and trade goods.

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