Page 68 - Travel Guide Experience Alaska Edition
P. 68
Keystone Canyon
When traveling to Valdez, don’t miss Keystone
Canyon, a place of spectacular waterfalls, magnificent
geology and fascinating history. Keystone Canyon is
located at miles 14 through 17 on the Richardson
Highway #4 just east of Valdez.
From 1910 to 1916 copper and gold mining
flourished in the area. There were attempts to build
these magnificent, compacted rivers of ice that a railroad through the canyon and into the copper
grow and retreat in response to climate change, country. Rival railroad corporations fought a gun
Imagine sitting on the deck of a boat, sipping carving out valleys and moving mountains. battle in the canyon to secure a right-of-way north of
lemonade while whales breech in the distance, Tours range in length from 7 to 9 hours and are Valdez. A tunnel built at that time can still be seen as
sea otters play and bald eagles circle overhead. fully narrated by Alaskan residents eager to share the you drive through the canyon.
The dream becomes a reality when you embark on culture, land and wildlife that makes them proud to Keystone Canyon is the place for thrill seekers.
a tour of Prince William Sound with Stan Stephens call Prince William Sound home. Informative topics Raft or kayak the multi-colored Lowe River which
Glacier and Wildlife Cruises. include the indigenous Peoples of the Sound, gold runs through the canyon. The magnificent, steep-
The Stan Stephens family has been operating and copper mining, commercial fishing, the 1964 sided rock walls offer popular summer and winter
in Valdez since 1971. They are a 100% Alaskan Alaskan earthquake, the Trans-Alaska Pipeline and climbing challenges. For those who prefer to keep
family-owned and operated business, which the events surrounding the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil their feet on the ground, the Valdez Goat Trail is
means when you travel with them, you are a part spill - Stan Stephen’s vessels were the first to carry a great place to hike. It is located at mile 13.5 in
of the Stephens family. With daily departures, response observers to the spill site! Keystone Canyon and begins at the Bridal Veil Falls
travelers have different options for touring Prince You will travel in comfort as all tours include turnout. Don’t forget to take along your camera and
William Sound. The Columbia Glacier cruise gives complimentary meals and non-alcoholic capture the flowing waterfalls on film. The most
passengers a chance to explore Alaska’s largest beveredges. For those who may have a sea-queasy impressive and world-famous falls are Horsetail at
tidewater glacier. The Meares Glacier tour will take stomach, note that these waters are some of the 328 feet and Bridal Veil Falls at 600 feet.
you to an advancing and very actively calving calmest waters in Alaska. While you may not see
glacier. Nowhere else will you get to see up-close all our wildlife at one time, these are often spotted: Kayaking Around Valdez
orca whales, humpback whales, porpoises, sea lions, Located on the Alaskan road system, Valdez
sea otters, puffins, bald eagles, goats and bears. offers premiere sea kayaking, hiking and sailing
For more information or to book a tour call Stan opportunities in Prince William Sound. Multi day
Stephens Cruises toll free at 866-867-1297. trips either by sea kayak, sailboat or motor yacht
Sadly, Stan Stephens passed away in September from Valdez venture deeper into the wilderness of
2013 but his legacy and dreams, including a the Sound. Because Valdez is farther from Anchorage
relentless dedication to protecting the environment than Seward, Whittier or Homer, the area is less
of Prince William Sound, will continue to be proudly crowded, making the east side of Prince William
upheld by his family and employees. Sound a favorable destination for boaters seeking a