Page 69 - Travel Guide Experience Alaska Edition
P. 69
photo by: Valdez Wildlife
more remote wilderness experience. novice to experienced sailors and can be contacted
The afternoon breeze in Port Valdez also for information on at (907) 835-2814 or 1-800-TO-
offers exiting opportunities for small boat sailing. KAYAK.
Additionally, many hiking trails are available in Sea kayaking is one of the more popular activities
the Valdez area. The Shoup Glacier trail was built travelers can participate in to explore Prince
with Exxon Valdez oil spill restoration funds and William Sound. The Sound is famous for calm water
follows the coastline for ten miles to the glacier. The paddling, dozens of active glaciers and an abundance
old military trail takes you into Keystone Canyon of wildlife including marine mammals and birds.
as well as the Mineral Creek trail that ends at an Kayaks are stable and the guides will give basic
old stamp mill. Anadyr Adventures offers kayak instruction before the tour. Each kayak is built for two
rentals, tours, multi-day adventures and training for people and can be safely and enjoyably controlled by
Photos by Chris Thuma