Page 55 - Travel Guide Experience the North Edition
P. 55
In the 1930s mail service was begun by Grant
McConnachie who landed floatplanes on the river.
Water landing was possible only part of the year, so
construction on a landing strip was begun.
Life in Fort Nelson began to change drastically
in the early 1940s, mainly as a result of World War
II. The Northwest Air Staging Route took over and
expanded the existing airstrip as part of Strategic Air
Command, establishing an airport in 1941.
The population of Fort Nelson increased
substantially in 1942 with the arrival of US Army
troops to begin construction of the Alcan (Alaska)
Highway. The construction began at Dawson Creek,
Whitehorse and Fort Nelson, at which time Fort
Nelson was actually “Mile 0.” It wasn’t until the
completion of the project that Dawson Creek became
the beginning of the highway and was granted the
“Mile 0” moniker.
The economy has expanded to include guide
outfitting, the forest industry, oil and gas industry,
farming, transportation and tourism. In addition
to having the world famous Alaska Highway as its
main street, Fort Nelson is also serviced by air and
rail transportation and is still an important point for Alaska Highway South of Fort Nelson
barge traffic into the far north. Canada’s largest gas
processing plant and two of the largest wood products
operations in British Columbia are located here.
Due to the spongy muskeg in this area of British Fort Nelson Visitor Info Centre
Columbia, oil and gas activities wait until winter when photo by:
the ground is frozen solid to carry out the majority VC TRAVEL GUIDE
of their work. During this time, the population can
easily double to 10,000 people in town and in the
work camps of the immediate surrounding area.
Fort Nelson is the logical place for the traveler to
give his vehicle a last check-up; it is over 300 miles to
Watson Lake in the Yukon Territory, the next largest See Video
center to the north, although services are available
along the Alaska Highway.
Fort Nelson offers a full assortment of stores and
businesses and recreation facilities, and epitomizes
the small town community spirit and legendary
hospitality of the North, both with its everyday
welcome and through its much appreciated “Welcome
Visitor” program, offered several evenings a week and the greatest abundance and diversity of large Fort Nelson is a bustling centre for the
during the summer. wild mammals in North America, including grizzly accommodation and hospitality industry and is well
The town’s new Visitor Center is conveniently and black bear, wolf, lynx, coyote, fox, wolverine, served through its hotels, bed & breakfasts and
located in the recreation complex across from the caribou, elk, moose, bison, white-tailed and mule restaurants, as well as several private campgrounds,
museum, Art Frazer Memorial Park and Rotary deer, mountain goat and most of the continent’s RV sites and prestigious resorts. Visitors can enjoy a
Spray Park. Staffed with friendly folks to answer all population of Stone sheep. The region has been 9-hole golf course set in a beautiful scenic location or
your travel questions or help with itinerary planning, referred to as North America’s Serengeti due to its try out guided trail and hayrides.
the facility offers free WiFi, coffee, souvenirs and immense size and complexity. The Fort Nelson Heritage Museum is located on
local artwork. Highly recommended to all who pass A profusion of interesting sights are found right the Alaska Highway just west of milepost 300, next
through Fort Nelson any time of the year, there are along the Alaska Highway. Ungulates and bear to the Tourism Booth. Operated by the Fort Nelson
ample parking and designated pet areas. frequent clearings alongside roads, foraging for food Historical Society, the museum has a transportation
The spectacular scenery and abundance of wildlife and salt. In winter, vacationers can enjoy a swim theme, and had its origin in the antique car and truck
are of global significance and make Fort Nelson in the warm water pools at Liard Hot Springs after collections of long-time resident and museum curator
a world-class destination for adventure tourism, frolicking in the snow. In spring and summer delicate Marl Brown.
fly-in fishing and big game hunting. cross-country wild flowers adorn the warm marshlands before the Fort Nelson’s Heritage Days held in February are
skiing, wildlife viewing and filming, backpacking, snow runs off the rest of the countryside. Fish inhabit a fantastic way to experience the area’s history during
wilderness canoeing and kayaking, trail riding and the quiet pools and it is not unusual to see a lazy the beautiful winter season. The museum opens up
river boating. moose and calf browsing in the marshes. for free for locals and tourists to wander about and
There are many provincial parks, recreation Visitors interested in taking a quick evening stroll, experience the high quality displays and enormous
areas and campgrounds within the region, including an afternoon hike or a bike ride in Fort Nelson have collection.
Andy Bailey Provincial Recreation Area, Wokkpash to look no further than the Fort Nelson Recreation
Recreation Area, Liard Hot Springs and Liard Forest, situated at the far west end of Mountainview SPECIAL EVENTS:
Corridor Provincial Park, Kwadacha Wilderness Drive, just minutes from downtown. Walk, bike or Canadian Open Sled Dog Races: January
Provincial Park, Duna Za Keyih Provincial Park and ski through this lowlands ecosystem of the northern Heritage Days at the Heritage Museum: February
Protected Area, Graham Laurier Provincial Park, boreal forest. Canoeists can put into the Fort Nelson Annual Fort Nelson Trappers Rendezvous
Stone Mountain Provincial Park, Muncho Lake River right in town for a lengthy paddle. Celebration: March
Provincial Park, the Northern Rocky Mountains The nearby Tsimeh Lakes Trails make for Canada Day Parade: July 1st
Provincial Park, and the Muskwa-Kechika moderately easy traveling through a prime lowland Rodeo: August
Management Area, which at 16 million acres is about black spruce ecosystem. Multiple loops allow for Fall Fair: September
the size of Ireland and the largest protected area in determination of trail length and a chain of three Monthly Moonlight Cross-Country Ski events at
the Canadian Rockies. Within the boundaries of the lakes, with a small shelter on the second one, makes the Fort Nelson Recreation Forest: Usually scheduled
Muskwa-Kechika lay 50 undeveloped water sheds this a memorable trip. the Saturday on or before the full moon.