Page 60 - Travel Guide Experience the North Edition
P. 60
Scenic Yukon
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T E R R I T O R Y Travel Yukon
Originally a district of the Northwest Territories, from Vancouver to Whitehorse; scheduled Keno City Mining Museum in Keno City
the Yukon was a fur trading region of the Hudson’s air service is also available from Anchorage, features memorabilia dating from the town’s
Bay Company during the mid-1800s. The discovery Fairbanks and Juneau, Alaska. heyday as the largest silver producer in North
of gold on Bonanza Creek outside Dawson City America.
in 1896 caused a stampede of fortune seekers, Yukon Museums Kluane Museum of Natural History, in Burwash
bringing wealth to many, but for others just grim The following museums are just a few of Landing displays some of the finest mounted
disappointment. the many historical sites that preserve the rich wildlife exhibits in the Yukon.
Known for its vast forests, stupendous mountain heritage and distinct culture of the Yukon. Northern Lights Centre in Watson Lake
ranges and powerful rivers, the Yukon (from the The Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre in features a 50-foot tilted dome to experience
Gwich’in word Yuchoo, meaning “great river”) is Whitehorse offers a unique and exciting look the aurora borealis inside a special multi-media
bordered by the Arctic Ocean, Alaska, British back to an ancient time of mammoth beasts and planetarium theater and a star projection system
Columbia and the Northwest Territories. The North America’s first people. Founded in 1997, capable of projecting 2,354 stars onto the dome.
territory’s principal river system is the Yukon, one the Centre provides visitors the opportunity
of the longest on the North American continent. to step back in time to learn and understand Yukon Arts and Festivals
Beginning at a group of headwater lakes on the the significance of this era. Located just off The Kluane Mountain Bluegrass Festival
BC/Yukon border, it stretches 1,120 kilometers the Alaska Highway south of the International welcomes the warm weather of early June
across Yukon’s southern and western section before Airport, the Centre is a multimedia exposition in Haines Junction. Yukon musicians and an
crossing Alaska and emptying into the Bering Sea. featuring life-sized exhibits of animals of the enthusiastic audience sing, play and dance in
last Ice Age, interactive computer kiosks and one of the world’s most beautiful settings.
Reaching the Yukon dioramas depicting the unique landscape, flora Each July, in the heart of the Klondike, the
By Land - Two main routes lead from British and fauna of Beringia. Dawson City Music Festival stretches for three
Columbia: the Alaska Highway begins at Dawson MacBride Museum, situated next to the wonderful days under the Midnight Sun. The
Creek, BC and stretches for 2,233 kilometres Yukon River in Whitehorse is an interactive festival is famous for the talented musicians it
(1,388 miles) before reaching Delta Junction, facility showcasing the natural and cultural has been attracting for over 40 years. It is known
Alaska. It’s asphalt-surfaced and you’ll find gas, history of the Yukon Territory. Visitors will find a nationally as “Canada’s tiny, perfect festival” and
food and lodging every 32-80 km (20-50 miles). diverse range of northern exhibit themes from among Yukoners as the party not to be missed.
The Stewart-Cassiar Highway winds through the ancient people of Beringia to the Klondike In Teslin, Inland Tlingit and Coastal Tlingit
BC’s interior, meeting the Alaska Highway 22 gold fields. The museum displays two important people come together every second summer
km (14 miles) west of Watson Lake, Yukon. It historic buildings: Sam McGee’s cabin and the in odd years to share their culture through the
has been upgraded to all-weather status but Government Telegraph Office. Ha Kus Teyea Celebration, with events such as
is a remote road: plan ahead for gas, food and The Yukon Transportation Museum in canoeing, storytelling, cultural demonstrations
lodging as services are limited along the route. Whitehorse has everything from First Nations and traditional dance performances.
While the Yukon is landlocked except for a skin boats, snowshoes and dog sleds to a full-
short section along the Arctic’s Beaufort Sea, size replica of the Queen of the Yukon airplane. Yukon First Nations
many travelers enjoy the regularly scheduled Also in Whitgehorse, the Old Log Church The Yukon’s First Nations people share a
ferry service from Bellingham, WA, Vancouver Museum is an original log cathedral and an special understanding of life in the North. They
and Prince Rupert, BC up to Alaska’s Inside excellent example of pioneer architecture. have been at home with the land for thousands
Passage. From Haines, Alaska, one can then Displays include early Anglican missionary work of years, making their living by hunting, trapping
drive Highway 3 through a portion of BC and into in the Yukon. Come learn the legend of the and fishing. In years past, many First Nations
Haines Junction, Yukon and meet up with the “Bishop Who Ate His Boots” groups dispersed into small family bands
Alaska Highway Similarly, Highway 2 runs north George Johnston Museum in Teslin is home to during the winter and spring but came together
from Sitka, Alaska to just outside Whitehorse the largest Tlingit artifact collection in the Yukon. in summer to catch spawning salmon, and in
and then to points beyond. All along the Inside George Johnston was a famous Tlingit leader, fall to hunt migrating caribou. The majority of
Passage, the scenery is breathtaking and the trapper, trading post operator and photographer, Yukon First Nations peoples belong to one of
route is teeming with eagles, whales and other whose camera captured First Nations life in the the Athabaskan or Tlingit language families:
wildlife. Reservations are required; call 1-800- Yukon from the 1920s to 1940s. Also on display is Gwich’in (Old Crow), Han (Dawson City), Northern
642-0066 for Alaska Ferry information, or 1-250- a rare Tlingit gambling mat and Johnston’s 1928 Tutchone (Mayo, Carmacks, Pelly Crossing),
386-3431 for BC Ferry schedules. Chevrolet car, the first of its kind in the area. Southern Tutchone (Whitehorse, Haines
Scheduled motor coach service to the Yukon The Teslin Tlingit Heritage Centre showcases Junction, Burwash Landing, Champagne), Kaska
is available from Anchorage and Fairbanks, their art through a collections of carved masks, (Ross River, Watson Lake, Upper Liard), Tagish
Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta and Vancouver. bentwood boxes, beadwork, snowshoes, (Tagish), Tlingit (Carcross, Teslin) and Upper
By Air - The Yukon is less than a day’s flight hide and cloth garments, paintings, gaming Tanana (Beaver Creek).
from any North American city. Daily flights run pieces,and ceremonial regalia.