Page 67 - Travel Guide Experience the North Edition
P. 67
Tea on the Tarahne: July
Dominion Day Parade, Games And Mini-
Marathon: July
Quilt/Art Show: July
Arts and Music Festival: July
Marsh Lake
Location: Mile 886 on the Alaska Highway,
approximately 20 miles west of Jake’s Corner.
Driving north on the Alaska Highway through
the Southern Lakes Region provides an expansive
view of this magnificent glacier fed lake, part of the
See Video intricate system of lakes and streams, which form the
beginning of the famous Yukon River flowing past
Dawson City and on through Alaska to the Bering
Sea. At the Yukon River Bridge a short walk leads to
the interpretive viewing platform and a remarkable
feast for the eyes.
The Spring Celebration of Swans occurs in April
and May at Swan Haven in this wilderness migration
Tarahne, Atlin Lake resting and feeding area of Tundra and Trumpeter
photo by: Swans.
VC Travel Guide
Johnson’s Crossing Set alone on the shore of the British Columbia’s TO TANGISH & CARCROSS
Location: Milepost 836 on Alaska Highway. largest natural lake, this little community is surrounded
by stately mountains, magnificent icefields and
vast wilderness. Along the lake’s western edge, the The Carcross/Tagish Loop
JCT. ALASKA HWY 1 majestic Coast Range stretches to the north and south Tagish Road Highway #8 and Klondike Highway
& CANOL ROAD 6 TO ROSS RIVER as far as the eye can see, keeping silent watch over the #2 offer a scenic alternate route through one of the
entrance to Torres Channel, gateway to the incredible most beautiful regions of the Yukon.
The Canol Road Highway 6 wilderness area that lies beyond. One third of Atlin Carcross
Wilderness Park is occupied by glaciers. One of the
Hwy #6 begins north of Teslin at Mile 804 on the most prominent of these is Llewellyn, whose great Location: Junction of Klondike Hwy 2 north to
Alaska Hwy and passes through Ross River on the tongues of ice melt into Atlin Lake, releasing the Alaska Highway near Whitehorse and south to
Robert Campbell Highway #4. Beyond MacMillan sediments that give it an unbelievable aquamarine hue. Skagway and Tagish Road Hwy 8 from Jakes
Pass northeast out of Ross River, the route becomes The renovated M.V. Tarahne, which in her glory days Corner. Population: 400. Visitor Information
the Canol Road Heritage Trail and is popular with off- carried passengers and freight the length and breadth of Center: Open May through September; Phone:
road cyclists. the lake is open for entertainment, meals, events and (867) 821-4431; Email:
To defend Alaska during World War II, the US daily tours. She rests on the Atlin waterfront, a symbol
and Canadian governments launched the CANOL of a gracious era. Walking through this historic town, visitors will
Over a period of three years the Atlin Historical
(Canadian American Northern Oil Line) Project in Society restored the Globe Theater to its original see many houses from the Gold Rush era. The Caribou
1942. Completed two years later, the pipeline carried splendor and added a few modern amenities. Since Hotel, famous for a rather obnoxious parrot, was built
in 1900. Be sure to visit beautiful Carcross Commons
oil from Norman Wells to a refinery in Whitehorse. the grand re-opening, the Theater has been used for for many artisan shops, restaurant and more. The
The controversial pipeline was only used for one year slide shows, movies, plays, musical performances, Learning Centre (Haa Shagóon Hídi - Our Ancestor’s
before it was dismantled at the end of the war. House) offers a fascinating look at the art and history
Designated a National Historic Site in 1990, the readings and regular coffee houses featuring excellent of the Carcross/Tagish First Nation people.
Canol is now used seasonally by tourists and mineral local talent. The golden spike was set in place when the last
Besides incredible beauty and colorful, friendly
exploration companies. It is a scenic mountain route folk, Atlin offers visitors a wealth of recreational rail was laid at Carcross on July 29, 1900 for the
for adventurous travelers prepared for remote roads opportunities. Here you can relive the Gold Rush White Pass & Yukon Route Railway. The spectacular
with no services. narrow gauge rail line offers several different scenic
by visiting the Atlin Museum, housed in a 1902 train excursions along the first 67.5 miles of the
schoolhouse, pan for gold on Spruce Creek, stroll original 110-mile route that once connected Skagway,
JCT. ALASKA HWY 1 & ATLIN ROAD HWY 7 through the Pioneer Cemetery where weathered Alaska with Whitehorse. The journey traces the
SOUTH TO ATLIN, BC & TANGISH ROAD markers provide glimpses into Atlin’s pioneer past, historic “Trail of ’98” which led thousands of gold-
HWY 8 TO CARCROSS wander through the forlorn remnants of nearby seekers from the staging grounds at Skagway to
Discovery, once a busy gold-mining town or walk the gold fields of the Klondike in the Yukon. Today
Jakes Corner the streets and peer through turn-of-the-century the railway provides passenger service through the
coastal mountains between Skagway and Carcross in
Location: Mile 866 on the Alaska Hwy at Hike along the Placer Creeks, climb a mountain, comfortable restored and replica coaches.
junctions of Hwy 7 and Hwy 8. fish for lake trout and slippery grayling during
a cruise on Atlin Lake at the very toes of soaring The Southern Lakes Region
White Mountain is a good place to look for peaks and glaciers. Perhaps you’d prefer to picnic Truly the Yukon’s best-kept secret, this diverse little
mountain goats on the cliffs or take a day-hike. beside Pine Creek Falls, splash around with the kids corner of the Yukon offers some of the most beautiful
in natural warm springs or canoe an isolated lake and scenery, friendliest people and most varied attractions
camp on the water’s edge.
ATLIN ROAD HWY 7 SOUTH Artists from all over attend the summer school for in a relatively small accessible area. The region is
the arts and collectors choose from among the many fullof history, culture and adventure.
Atlin pieces offered for sale by local artists. The headwaters of the Yukon River are located here
Winter enthusiasts love Atlin for the cross-country
Location: Highway 7, 120 miles from skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling, icefishing and & KLONDIKE HWY 2 NORTH
Whitehorse. Population: 500. Atlin Visitors curling experiences it offers and because of its warm
Association Phone: (250) 651-7522; Website: hospitality and cozy lodgings. TO ALASKA HWY 1/WHITEHORSE & SOUTH TO SKAGWAY