Page 71 - Travel Guide Experience the North Edition
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1922 following an explosion and continues to burn
underground. A second mine opened in 1923 on Coal
Mine Hill to the north. This mine was active until
1938. Upon reopening in 1974, it operated as an open
pit mine until its final closing in 1981.
Robert Campbell
Highway #4 and Region
The Campbell Region was named after Robert
Campbell, a Scottish born Canadian fur trader and
explorer. Employed as a young man by the Hud son’s
Bay Company, he was sent in 1834 to the Mack enzie
River region. He discovered the Pelly River in 1840, Faro
descending it in 1843 to its confluence with the Lewes photo by:
River to form the Yukon. Here he established Fort City of Faro
Selkirk in 1848. Later he followed the Yukon to its
junction with the Porcupine River at Fort Yukon. He
worked as a trader for Hudson’s Bay until 1871 and to life every spring and fall during bird and animal 3000 in total and a small, distinctly colored herd of
spent his last years as a rancher in Manitoba. He wrote migrations. One of the most dramatic migrations is about 100 is found only near the town site of Faro.
The Discovery and Exploration of the Pelly River. that of the sandhill cranes. Over a quarter million of This herd of animals may be seen from a variety of
The scenic, partly paved Campbell Highway 4 runs these large birds pass overhead for days on end. The viewing facilities located within minutes from town.
between the communities of Carmacks and Watson air fills with the sound of their unusual, plaintive cry as More information on the Fannin’s sheep, together with
Lake. Yukon Government camp grounds, recreational flocks glide in spiraling circles, seeking rising thermal a map of the sheep viewing stations, is available at the
day use areas and the communi ties of Faro and Ross air currents. The corridor is also noted for its many Campbell Region Interpretive Centre, which is open to
River offer all the conveniences for travelers through migrating tundra swans and peregrine falcons. Be the public from May to September.
the region. The variety of terrain in the Campbell sure not to miss the annual Crane & Sheep Viewing Whether you are just passing through to discover
Region is remarkable: to the north and west lie the Festival in May. the rest of the astonishing Campbell Region or
mighty Pelly and Macmillan Rivers; to the northeast Visitors to this area can expect to see moose, planning to spend some time among the friendly
the rugged Hess Mountains and the wild country caribou, black or grizzly bears, wolf, lynx, fox, many residents of Faro, find out why it is the perfect place
towards Macmillan Pass; to the east Finlayson and bird species and Faro’s own unique species of Stone to visit on your quest for unforgettable experiences
Frances Lakes and unspoiled wilderness for 255 miles sheep, the Fannin’s. These sheep number only about in the Yukon.
to Watson Lake; to the south the Pelly Mountains and
the picturesque country of the South Canol Road and
to the west, the gentle hills and pristine lakes of Little
Salmon Lake country. The Campbell Region is truly
a perfect ‘jumping off point’ for experiencing the
variety and abundance of Nature at its most pristine.
Location: At the end of 7 mile access road off
Campbell Hwy 4, in the Tintina Valley. Visitor
Information: For an information package
contact: Town of Faro Visitor Information Centre
PO Box 580 Faro, YT Y0B 1K0; Phone: (867)
994-2288 (May-September) (867) 994-2728
(October-April); Website:
Vast and pristine, few places can rival the Faro area
for wildlife, wilderness and dramatic terrain. Located
in the North Yukon Plateau ecoregion, Faro is ideally
situated for wildlife viewing and for a wide variety of
outdoor activities such as fishing, hiking and canoeing.
The Town of Faro is a full service community, with a
hotel, bed & breakfast accommodations, the Campbell
Region Interpretive Centre & Tourist Information
Centre, cross country ski trails, convenience stores,
outdoor adventures businesses, gas station, full
service municipal RV park, airport, nursing station,
library, recreation centre, urban golf course, multi-
use trail network, sheep viewing station, post office,
RCMP, liquor store, territorial agent, bank and the
northernmost arboretum.
Faro is situated along the Tintina Trench, which is a
huge valley so prominent it is clearly visible in satellite
photos. Formed on an unusual geological fault, the
Tintina Trench contains much of the mineral wealth
that has been the life-blood of the Yukon’s economy
for the past hundred years. This valley also acts as
a ma jor wildlife corridor that comes dramatically