Page 74 - Travel Guide Experience the North Edition
P. 74
Dawson City
Life in
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In the 1890s, Dawson City was at the heart of pre-contact subsistence based lifestyle centered on the
the great Klondike Gold Rush. Over a century later Yukon River salmon runs, to a successful self-governing
Dawson still celebrates its colorful past and in many body that includes ownership of many flourishing
respects nothing much has changed. businesses in the town of Dawson. Many Tr’ondëk
The year-round population of Dawson is Hwëch’in currently practice cultural activities with
approximately 2000, and these people are the spirit pride and creativity largely due to the insight of Chief
of the North, the flavor that makes the town what it is Isaac, who took many precautions at the beginning of
today. Dawson City is living history and the residents the Gold Rush to preserve the society and future of his
take pride in seeing their historical surroundings people. Their fascinating history and vibrant culture
thrive in a modern day world. As one walks through its are presented at the Dänojà Zho Cultural Centre
downtown and residential areas, the old and the new in Dawson through interpretive programs, special
blend into a unique and timeless experience. performances and gallery tours.
Dawson hosts many exciting events throughout the See Dawson City for yourself, where you can
year, and that is where the community shines! Whatever enjoy a walk along the dyke overlooking the famous
the occasion, the townspeople really make it happen, Yukon River and take a cruise on the Klondike Spirit
providing more than 70,000 visitors a year with paddlewheeler, be amazed by the midnight sun in the
everything they need for the experience of a lifetime. summer or spectacular northern lights in the winter.
The people of Dawson City are wonderful grassroots Try your luck at historic Diamond Tooth Gertie’s
hosts who love where they live and love to share that Gambling Hall and wander the same streets that
enthusiasm with their guests. inspired world famous authors Jack London, Pierre
Dawson City lies within the traditional lands of Berton and poet Robert Service.
the Tr’ondëk Hwech’in, who have adapted from a You can really experience it all in Dawson City!