Page 15 - Tenuta Calissoni Bulbari
P. 15

showroom eventi
L’ampio e prestigioso show room può ospitare eventi, convegni, cerimonie, matrimoni con rito civile. Degustazioni dell’olio con vendita diretta al pubblico. In tono con la storia dell’Agro Pontino alle pareti sono in mostra quadri dei pittori futuristi Uberto Bonetti (1909-1993) e Sibò (1907-2000).
The large and prestigious show room can host events, conferences, cerimonies, civil marriages. Olive oil tastings, where the public can purchase the products from the Estate. In line with the history of the Pontine Marshes, paintings from futurist painters Uberto Bonetti (1909-1993) and Sibò (1907-2000) are exhibited on the walls.

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