Page 24 - Caring_for_your_community
P. 24

Case Study


Description:The Urban Food Initiatives began in 2013 and           Engagement approach: The garden has partnered with
reached 3,000 people in its first year alone. It is a three-       Denver Housing Authority, Denver Human Services; government
stranded programme focusing on communities in Denver with          bodies that offer housing, financial support and training to
little or no access to fresh healthy food and on individuals       the target audience of Urban Food Initiatives. Since these are
living in government housing. One strand of the programme          trusted organizations who have well-established relationships
provides training to local people at the garden or its satellite   with the community, working through them has facilitated
site, Denver Botanic Garden at Chatfield, where there is an        the programme’s own community relations. The programme
active farm. Through the training provided, the local community    engages local people on a variety of levels, from providing food
gains skills to grow their own food, as well as knowledge and      and information to developing long-term relationships through
advice about healthy lifestyles, food preparation and nutrition.   training, which is flexible enough to cater to the interests and
The produce from the farm is distributed in the second strand      skills of particular groups.
of the programme. Through farm stalls, the produce is either
sold or given to the local community, depending on their           Audience research: So far evaluation has focused on the
socio-economic status. Foods can also be purchased through         number of people reached. In the future, the garden hopes
the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (similar      to monitor health impacts of the programme – for example,
to food stamps) and so enables people on low incomes to eat        participants’ cholesterol levels.
healthily. Recipe cards in English and Spanish are also provided,
to help people cook vegetables they may not have come into         Funding:The programme was started and continues to run
contact with before. In the third strand of the programme          through grant funding, but the garden is currently working on
the garden is working with the mayor’s office to expand the        their business model with the aim of becoming self-sustaining
capacity for marketing local food and processing it, with the      via the income generated by farm stalls.
goal that 20 per cent of food consumed in Denver will be either
packaged or produced in Colorado.                                  Challenges: Funding has been the main issue for continuing
                                                                   the programme. In addition to its plan to be self-sustaining,
Focus of the programme: The programme ties into all of the         the programme has also formed alliances and collaborated
four core values in the garden’s mission: relevance, diversity,    with other organizations offering similar programmes, to avoid
sustainability and transformation, by improving the health         duplication, broaden reach and attract funding.
and livelihoods of diverse communities in a way that
encourages sustainability. It also links with broader global
issues to do with food security. Focusing on people from low
socio-economic backgrounds with poor access to healthy food,
the programme not only provides the nourishment, skills and
information to make a balanced diet possible, but also tackles
poverty by supporting people to raise income by selling their
produce. In addition, the garden training has provided some
younger participants with the skills and inspiration to follow
related careers.

                                                                   UanrdbafnooFdoosdtaIlnlistipartoivviedse’  training
                                                                   ©food to the local population
                                                                    Denver Botanic Gardens

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