Page 29 - Caring_for_your_community
P. 29

Case Study


Description: This community outreach/engagement                     Theatre was used to engage young
programme was part of a larger Heritage Lottery funded project
which aimed to restore and redevelop the Marianne North             ©people with the work of Marianne
Gallery and improve community access to it. The gallery, built in
1880, houses a collection of botanical illustrations by Marianne    North Jana Haragalova
North. The community outreach aspect of the project targeted
local community groups with an emphasis on hard-to-reach            Audience research: There were two stages of research.
audiences (including young people, people with disabilities, and    The community consultation, including interviews with diverse
black and minority ethnic communities). It involved: running        groups, was used as formative evaluation to develop activities.
ESOL sessions for people from a mix of cultures which included      Summative evaluation was conducted by an external evaluator
sensory experiences with spices and creative writing; producing     and involved document analysis of project reports including
collaborative artworks with community groups; working with          consultation reports, management reports, event reports,
Asian women’s groups who created paper sculptures and fabric        dissemination materials, and interpretation and learning plans.
prints; an Asian women’s group, young people with learning          This was complemented by observation of of visitor behaviour,
difficulties and other community groups produced a Travel           assessment of onsite and online interpretation, interviews with
Treasures exhibition; working with young people to create a         KEW staff, volunteers and community organizations.
‘play in a day’. A 42 per cent uplift in total visitor figures was
noted during the project. As well as community groups the           Funding: Heritage Lottery funding delivered in two stages:
main partners were Historic Royal Palaces, Orleans House            development and delivery of the project.
Gallery and Feltham Arts Association.
                                                                    Challenges: Not having access to the gallery during the
Focus of the project: There were two sides to this project:         conservation process was a problem, therefore off-site
1) the gallery restoration, and 2) the community engagement.        engagement activities were developed. Sustainability was the
The twin aspects made it possible to secure funding and fulfil      biggest challenge. Although the garden still has a (rather less
the garden’s objectives. The social issues addressed by the         intense) relationship with this community, the project ceased
community engagement side focused on health and wellbeing,          after the external funding ended. However, the experience
combating social isolation and breaking down barriers of access     gained from working on it has been used in the development
to the garden, and facilitating learning and creativity.            of a new project, also funded by the Heritage Lottery fund.

Engagement approach: During the development of the project,
garden staff carried out community consultation which led to
the piloting of some ideas for workshops and projects that were
suggested by the communities. Consultations involved various
organisations, Hindu Temples, ESOL providers, youth projects
and charities that provide services for homeless people and
people with disabilities as well as with Kew staff, volunteers and
day visitors. This consultation process ensured that activities
met participants’ needs, and helped build a fruitful relationship
with the community groups and individuals involved.

                                                                    2009 saw the reopening of the
                                                                    Marianne North Gallery which was

                                                                    ©marked with a community celebration
                                                                     Jana Haragalova

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