Page 31 - Caring_for_your_community
P. 31

Case Study


Description: The Village Botanists Course runs over a              Engagement approach: Participants are recruited through
six-month period, catering for 30 participants. Initially          the Forestry Department, NGOs and folk healer associations.
held annually, the course now runs four times a year and is        Participants use the conservation area, hence the course helps
divided into four levels: 1) orientation, covering basic botany    them ensure sustainability for a resource they depend on.
and documentation, 2) practical assignments, 3) field visits       The course is made accessible and engaging by being delivered
and training on documenting traditional knowledge related          in the local language and using a pedagogy that includes
to medicinal plants, and 4) evaluation and assessment of           games and practical demonstrations. To motivate more women
knowledge and skills. Course participants are folk healers from    to sign up self-help groups were formed to support them in
different rural areas important for medicinal plants. Some of      generating income for their families. Contact with participants
the 350 village botanists (aka parataxonomists) now work with      is maintained by establishing mutually beneficial relationships;
the Forestry Department (conducting surveys as ecotourism          providing information in return for data.
guides, or helping prepare the People’s Biodiversity Registry)
or have become entrepreneurs. The village botanists from one       Audience research: The programme uses a wide range of
state of India were awarded the Equator Prize in 2014 for their    approaches for evaluating its own success and its participants.
extensive conservation work.                                       Through observations made during tasks tutors assess
                                                                   participants’ ‘soft’ skills, like leadership. In the second level
Focus of the programme: This programme directly addresses          of the course participants complete assignments such as
the Institute’s dual mission of conserving medical plants and      herbarium sheets and documenting traditional knowledge.
documenting traditional knowledge of them. It aims to build        Mid-term evaluation involves an individual meeting with each
the capacity of local communities to prepare biodiversity          participant to discuss their progress, how best to support them
registers (documenting natural resources and related traditional   and how they feel about the course. Formal assessment of their
knowledge) in accordance with the Indian Biodiversity Act.         knowledge is made through a presentation and written exam.
Working with people of low economic status, folk healers and
women (women care for family health, and so make up 20 per         Funding: Originally funding came from the Ministry of
cent of participants – the aim is for that to reach 30 per cent),  Environment and Forestry of India and later by UNDP and GEF.
the programme tackles poverty and employment issues by             More recently, the programme received funding through the
encouraging entrepreneurship. Village botanists contribute         State Biodiversity Boards, in line with the Indian Biodiversity Act.
to the garden by collecting medicinal plants to expand
its collection.                                                    Challenges: Finding the right scientific terms in the local
                                                                   language and identifying the right resource person to liaise
                                                                   between Institute staff and community members, who is also
                                                                   able to help participants understand key concepts.

                                                                   The local community prepare
                                                                   biodiversity registers,
                                                                   documenting natural
                                                                   resources and related

                                                                   ©traditional knowledge
                                                                     I TD-HST

Parataxonomists document and
collect local medicinal plants as part

©of the Village Botanists Project

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