Page 36 - Caring_for_your_community
P. 36

Jeremy Huml making cider

©at Making Brooklyn Bloom
 Brooklyn Botanic Garden


Audience research: There is no overall evaluation strategy for     Challenges: Capacity is a big challenge that GreenBridge
GreenBridge. With some initiatives, such as the Greenest Block     faces. If there were more staff the programme could improve
in Booklyn, evidence of the impact is anecdotal. For others        its engagement with the community, with more training
there is systematic evaluation in place or one-off evaluation      workshops or better management of BUG graduates who
has been conducted at a specific time. For Making Brooklyn         become BUG community volunteers. Another challenge is
Bloom an evaluation form/questionnaire is given to participants,   reaching non-English speakers (who are a big part of the
and there is a gift as an incentive to complete the forms. The     Brooklyn community). The written materials GreenBridge
findings are used to establish the impact of the event, evaluate   circulates are in English; only occasionally, if a bi-lingual
it and improve its content for the future. BUG’s evaluation        seasonal outreach assistant can be recruited, some resources
includes a self-assessment survey for trainees at the start and    are produced in Spanish. Ideas to resolve this include translating
finish of the course along with two other written evaluations,     the most popular tip sheets, and holding off-site workshops
however the challenge is fully analysing and utilizing the data.   in Spanish, but these activities all require funding. For many of
Also a group discussion about how the trainees will use their      GreenBridge’s constituents the issue of so-called gentrification
knowledge and skills takes place at the end. A university student  has also thrown up a problem. The programme supports
also carried out a one-off evaluation in the second year of BUG    communities to improve their surroundings, and this can result
using an online survey.                                            in an increase in house prices and residents being unable to
                                                                   live in their neighbourhoods any more. This is a complex issue,
Funding: The garden leadership is committed to maintaining         beyond the scope of this manual, however the garden is seeking
GreenBridge, hence it is mainly funded through Brooklyn            ways to combat it.
BG’s operating budget. Planning and implementation of
new components for the programme have been funded by               Upcycle garden created by
multi-year grants from a local foundation and the Institute of
Museum Some aspects of the programme have been funded              ©children from East 25th Street
by partners like Million Trees NYC and corporate sponsors           Brooklyn Botanic Garden
(including two engery companies). GreenBridge brings new
audiences into the garden but no revenue. With funding cuts
taking place in the cultural sector, the garden’s development
department is striving to articulate the value of GreenBridge
in terms that will succeed in securing future finance.

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