Page 37 - Caring_for_your_community
P. 37

Case Study


Description: The GAP is a four-tiered development                  Garden Apprentices work in the
programme, lasting nine months, for young people aged
13 –17 from Brooklyn. Discovery Guide apprentices                  ©Children’s Garden during Fall
(Tier 1) work as assistants in the Children’s Garden, learning       Brooklyn Botanic Garden
to be environmental educators. Garden Corps apprentices
(Tier 2) contribute to a variety of activities from science and    Audience research: At the end of every term, apprentices and
horticulture to environmental education. Junior apprentices        their mentors complete reflection forms and discuss their work
(Tier 3) run and develop their own activity stations for the       and the programme. In 2012, a graduate university student
general public. Senior apprentices (Tier 4) develop lesson plans,  investigated the long-term impact of the programme on alumni
lead public lessons, mentor other apprentices and cultivate        life skills, personal development and environmental appreciation
a plot at the Children’s garden. Tiers 1, 2 and 3 receive a        through an online survey. In 2015, the garden is organizing a
monetary award at the end of the programme; Tier 4 receive         ten-year reunion and plans to conduct a survey to look at the
an hourly wage. Since 2004, 320 apprentices have been trained.     current lifestyle of graduate apprentices.
Annually, 55 – 60 apprentices participate, 90 per cent of whom
graduate, while 50 per cent of graduates go on to apply to take    Funding: A combination of foundation grants (e.g. foundation
part in the next Tier.                                             for youth development) and the garden’s operating grants
                                                                   support the programme. Foundations give general operations
Focus of the programme: Apprentices gain skills in time            funding or provide improvement grants for shorter-term
management, professional communication, teamwork,                  activities such as the annual apprentice leadership camp.
problem solving, self-confidence, leadership, interacting with
people from different backgrounds and learning about plants        Challenges: Space, resources, and staffing limit the number
and the environment. Over half of participants are on part-        of apprentices that the programme can recruit. Sometimes
reduced school lunch programmes. GAP works to create more          the young people experience problems at home, so the
diversity among people in the environmental movement and           gardens need to offer support in collaboration with the
related careers, which traditionally tend to be people of white,   Good Shepherd Services.
suburban and higher socio-economic backgrounds.

Engagement approach: Apprentices are recruited through
government funded schools, community borough officers,
NGOs, community centres and by word of mouth. Young
people are selected for their interest in plants and learning
and their perceived ability to commit to the programme. The
criteria for selection ensure there is a gender balance, a mix of
new and returning apprentices and diversity of socio-economic,
racial and ethnic backgrounds. To ensure their commitment, the
garden establishes apprentices’ expectations from the beginning
in a process that involves their families. The garden provides
extra support to those who need it, including practical support
like meals and appropriate clothing, or free classes to prepare
them for the SAT exams for admission to college. The extended,
intense involvement in the programme helps apprentices to
bond with each other and with garden staff, which enables
staff to better meet their needs. The Tier structure has been
found to be important for engaging the young people: each
Tier comprises different activities and increasing levels of
responsibility to generate aspiration as well as a feeling of
accomplishment as responsibilities increase.

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