Page 4 - Foltz Trucking Quarterly Newsletter_April 2024
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          Peace of Mind! By Corey Metelak and Casey Mittag
With the growing epidemic of nuclear lawsuits and an uptick in staged accidents, having an unbiased eye on theroadisnearlyanecessity. FoltzTruckinghas invested in forward and side facing cameras for years. Since their inclusion, the cameras have saved Foltz Trucking thousands of dollars in fraudulent claims, protected numerous drivers from false or incorrect citations, and have reduced or negated hours of litigation.
pictured Tim G. and Reggie
Quarterly Newsletter
  Asidefromthesebenefits,therearemanymoreprosthanconstoutilizingcamerasystems. PROS:Theftandvandalismdeterrent, oversees surroundings while you’re away or in sleeper birth, provides an objective account, improves personal driving habits, and mayimproveinsurancerates. CONS:Footagemaynotbeadmissibleinsomestates(veryfew),maynotcatchallincidentsandmay catchyourownmistakes. However,ifacameraweretocaptureanissuewiththeowners’actions,itwillallowquickerandeffective action during litigation to quickly resolve a claim or issue.
Studiesshowthatroughly18-20%or1outofevery5vehiclesontheroadutilizedashcameras. Mostmajormanufacturers are increasingly offering dash cameras. With most pushing to make the option standard within 10 years.
Innovation is a core value at Foltz Trucking. This value strengthens our focus on available technologies to improve overall driversafety. Capitalizingontheadvantagescamerasprovide,justmakesgoodbusinesssense. Andaboveallitwillgive you peace of mind!
Please make inspecting your cameras for non-obstructed views, or proper functionality part of your maintenance inspections. Safety and Shop personnel will ensure your camera is always operational by checking status during inspections.
    Example of a Dashboard Snapshot of video and location data
 1958 2023
FoltzTruckingQuarterlyNewsletter • Articlesinthisnewsletterareforgeneralinformationandeducationalpurposesandshouldnotbetakenasspecificlegaladvice.

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