Page 2 - Foltz Trucking Quarterly Newsletter_April 2024
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            What is CVSA Focusing on in 2024 Roadcheck Truck Inspection Blitz?
Info provided by Heavy Duty Trucking/ Foltz Safety
This year’s annual Roadcheck inspection safety blitz, May 14-16, will focus on tractor protection systems and alcohol and controlled substance possession.
Photo: FMCSA
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s International Roadcheck is a high-visibility, high-volume commercial motor vehicle inspection and regulatory compliance enforcement initiative that takes place over three days in Canada, Mexico and the United States.
CVSA-certified law enforcement personnel will inspect commercial motor vehicles and drivers at weigh/inspection stations, temporary sites and mobile patrols. Data from the 72 hours of International Roadcheck will be collected and the results will be released this summer.
Each year, Roadcheck places special emphasis on a category of violations. This year, there will be two focus areas – tractor protection systems and alcohol and controlled substance possession. For inspections in the U.S., there will be an additional emphasis on prohibited drivers within the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse.
Quarterly Newsletter
  During Roadcheck, CVSA-certified law enforcement personnel will inspect commercial motor vehicles and drivers at weigh/inspection stations, temporary
sites and mobile patrols.
   1958 2023
FoltzTruckingQuarterlyNewsletter • Articlesinthisnewsletterareforgeneralinformationandeducationalpurposesandshouldnotbetakenasspecificlegaladvice.

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