Page 1 - Foltz Trucking Quarterly Newsletter_April 2024
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          Quarterly Newsletter
   Service...Service...Service by Josh Loeffen
Asmanyofyouareawareweareinatighttransportationmarketrightnow. Capacityisconsistentlyoutpacingdemandmonthafter month. We are fortunate to have the contracted lanes we do. We have not felt the same downturns most of trucking has. Knowing thisweneedtocontinuetostrivetoprovidethehighestlevelofservicewecan. Servicedoesn’tjuststartandstopwithontimede- liveries, communication is key. We understand that delays happen, and issues arise in trucking. We need to communicate proactively with our customers allowing them time to react. We need to be 100% error proof on sealing every load we haul and documenting thosesealnumbersontheproperpaperwork. Asagroupwearegreat98%ofthetimeonmostofthis,wejustneedtopushforthat extra 2% whenever possible.
  Inside This Issue:
• Driver Responsibilities
• 2024 Roadcheck Truck Inspection Blitz • Peace Of Mind
• Ag Day
• Lions Club
• PROCares EAP
   1958 2023
 A Foltz Trucking Quarterly Newsletter • Articles in this newsletter are for general information and educational purposes and should not be taken as specific legal advice.

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