Page 2 - The Connections Between Culture, Employoee Retention, and ROI
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  The most significant step towards success for any business begins with your employees. Sure, your customers play an important role, but your employees are the face, voice, and brains behind the operation. When you focus on creating and boosting workplace culture and employee retention, you not only massively improve the satisfaction of your teams but your bottom line, too.
This is because your business will thrive substantially more in an environment that brings together a team of co-workers. That means having employees with the same values, beliefs, and commitment to everyone’s happiness and well-being. Research shows that a strong company culture leads to an average of 400% more revenue growth, with happy employees more than 31% more productive than their unhappy counterparts.
Here’s what you need to know about the connection between culture, employee retention, and ROI and how you can start maximizing your company’s potential right away. page | 2

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