Page 56 - Foltz Trucking Driver Handbook
P. 56
Foltz Trucking Policies
Cold Weather
Fueling: If you are coming this way or any location that is going to be cold put on blended fuel or if will
be extremely cold put some #1 diesel on.
Flying J/Pilot still labels there fuel #2 but they do treat there fuel for cold weather. The
Rev 07252022
farther you head north the colder it is rated for.
Extreme cold: put on some #1 diesel into the tank
Driver's Daily Log
Every driver that operates a motor vehicle for Foltz Trucking shall complete a daily driver's log in accordance with DOT Regulations. Failure to complete such logs, failure to make required entries, or failure to preserve logs shall make both driver and the company liable for fines and/or other legal recourse.
Logs must be certified every day- Best time is during your Pre-Trip inspection.
New HOS changes effective 09/29/2020
New 30 min break rules- must take 30 min break within first 8 hrs. of day. Can be in sleeper, off duty, on duty or on duty yard move. Can also be a combination of any of these duty statuses as long as they are a consecutive 30 minutes.
Ex. Fueling for 10 min on duty, switch to On duty yard move to park 2 min, then off duty for 18 min= 30 minutes. Just remember to wait the extra minute to= 31 min stopped so you don't mess up your break (just like before).
New Split Sleeper berth rules- Can be a 7/3, 3/7, 8/2 or 2/8. The 7 hr. or 8hr must be in sleeper berth whereas the shorter time frame can be off duty or sleeper berth.
Can take the split either way 2 or 3 first then longer sleeper berth period or longer sleeper berth first followed by shorter period later in the day.
Adverse driving conditions also affect us but you cannot have any knowledge of the adverse conditions. Good use of Adverse driving conditions example: Leave Wisconsin and its nice and sunny. Heading west
through Nebraska and an ice storm comes up. This rule can be used.
Bad use of Adverse driving conditions example: If you leave a truck stop, customer or safe place to park during a storm and go over your hours later this does not apply.
o Do not put 150 gallons. Should only need about 50 gallons.
If you are leaving the Fargo area and heading south only put on enough to get out of the cold.
Volvo tractors we do not use fuel additives. All Volvo's are equipped with pre heated fuel water separator, engine preheaters and thermostat controlled in tank fuel heaters.