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Chairside  management  95
                   tip  of the  upper  left  central  incisor.  When  this  improved.  It  is  important  to  ask  to  see  the
                   routine  must  be  changed,  perhaps  because  the  diary  at  each  visit  and  to  give  encourage-
                   tooth  in  question  is  fractured  or  lost,  then  the  ment  or  praise  in  order  to  reinforce  the
                   position  from  which  the  measurements  are  patient's  efforts.  Where  cooperation  is  not
                   taken should be recorded carefully in the notes.   adequate,  all  that  can  be  done  is  to  empha-
                                                            size  to  the  patient  (and  parent)  that  failure
                                                            to wear the  appliance  as  instructed  can only
                   Anchorage                                delay treatment  and prejudice  the  result.
                                                          •  Where marked  anchorage  loss has occurred,
                   Newton's third law of motion tells us that every   changes in the relationship of the two arches
                   force has an equal and opposite reaction. When   will  become  noticeable.  If  the  upper  teeth
                   teeth are being moved the reactive force will be   are  brought  forward  during  the  canine
                   transmitted  through  the  appliance  and  will  retraction they will retain the previous arch-
                   affect other teeth  which are themselves capable   width  because  they  are  held  by  the  base-
                   of  movement.  Measurements  such  as  those  plate.  They  will  therefore  tend  to  become
                   described  above  indicate  that  movement  is  buccally  placed.
                   taking  place  but  do  not  show  that  only  the
                   intended  teeth  are  moving.  It  is  important  to  When  unwanted  movement  is  discovered,
                   take  further  measurements  at  each  visit  to  corrective action should be taken at once. If the
                   confirm that anchorage  loss is not occurring.   active  components  are  exerting  too  great  a
                                                          force this must be reduced. Space requirements
                   •  Where  only  one  arch  is  being  treated  it  is  should  be  reassessed.  If there is space to spare
                     usually  easy to use the other arch as  a refer-  some  loss  of  anchorage  may  be  accepted.  If
                     ence.  In  the  case  of upper  canine  retraction  space  is  short,  however,  anchorage  reinforce-
                     a  measurement  of  overjet  should  be  taken  ment, usually with headgear, is essential.
                     (Figure  10.12)  and  any  increase  in  this  is
                     usually  a  warning  that  anchorage  is  being
                     lost  (Figure  10.13).  The  molar  relationship  Lack  of  satisfactory  progress
                     will  also become more class II.  When lower
                     arch  extractions  have  been  carried  out  Is the tooth free to move?
                     assessment  can  become  more  difficult.
                                                          If the  baseplate  is  in  contact  with  the  tooth  it
                   •  Imbricated  lower  incisors  can  align  sponta-
                     neously  and  if  the  overjet  was  measured  should  be  cut  away  sufficiently  to  ensure  that
                     from  a  tooth  which  had  been  prominent  it  further  obstruction  does  not  occur.  Where  the
                     will  appear  to  increase  as  this  alignment  obstruction  is  due  to  occlusal  interference  the
                     occurs.                              bite  plane  may  need  to  be  thickened  by  the
                   •  Where headgear is being worn  it is  useful to   addition unerupted  tooth acrylic.  Make root  has
                     ask  the  patient  to  keep  a  diary  of wear.  By
                     giving  the  patient  a  target  number  of hours   not been  overlooked.
                     to  be  achieved  per week,  motivation  can  be
                                                          Has the correct force been applied?
                                                          Check that  a spring is located correctly and on
                                                          the  right  side  of  the  tooth  when  the  patient
                                                          inserts the appliance. Make sure that the spring
                                                          is adequately activated. Where a screw-plate is
                                                          being  used  the  patient  may  be  adjusting  the
                                                          screw  incorrectly.  The  operator  can  ask  the
                                                          patient  to  demonstrate  turning  and  the  screw
                                                          can be turned back to check that the number of
                                                          turns corresponds  with that  expected.
                                                            The use of heavy pressures will cause hyalin-
                                                          ization  within  the  periodontal  ligament  and
                   Figure 10.12  Measurement of overjet using a   delay  resorption,  so  light  pressure  should  be
                   millimetre steel  rule.                maintained  and  the  patient  should  be  warned
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