P. 99

Chairside  management  91
                                                         Figure 10.9  Adjustment to bring arrowhead into
                                                         contact with the tooth.

                   Adjustments to the  acrylic            springs  the  labial  wires,  loops  and  buccal
                                                          springs  should  be  adjusted  if necessary  so  that
                   On  occasion,  slight  initial  trimming  may  be
                   necessary  to  allow  insertion,  but  beyond  this,  they  lie  at  the  correct  height  and  do  not  trau-
                                                          matize the cheeks, lips and gingivae.
                   some adjustments to the baseplate  may  also be
                   necessary. The  acrylic  will need to be trimmed   During  the  first  few  days  with  a  new  appli-
                   to  permit  active  tooth  movement.  This  is  of  ance  the  patient  has  to  get used  to  inserting  it
                   great importance  but is  frequently  overlooked.  correctly,  must  adapt  to  its  presence  and
                   The  appliance  should  be  inspected  in  situ  to  perhaps  put  up  with  a  mild  degree  of  discom-
                   ensure  that  no  part  of the  acrylic  contacts  the  fort. It is sensible to provide only very hght acti-
                   tooth  to  be  moved  and  that  this  tooth  move-  vation  so  that  the  appliance  is  self-activating
                   ment  will  not  result  in  contact  before  the  next  and  the  springs  cannot  readily  slip  into  the
                   visit. It is also sensible to trim the acrylic so that   wrong  position.  This  will  imply  activation  of
                   any desired passive movement might occur,  for  about  1  mm for a palatal spring and 0.5 mm for
                   example  to  permit  a  buccaliy  placed  canine  to  a  0.7 mm  buccal  spring.  It  will  often  not  be
                   move into line as a premolar is being retracted.   possible to position a palatal spring close to the
                                                          gingival  margin  at  the  first  visit  because  of
                                                          contact  with  the  neighbouring  tooth.  This  can
                                                          be corrected at the next visit when some move-
                   Bite planes
                                                          ment should have taken place.
                   Any  excessive  thickness  may  need  to  be
                   reduced  and  bite  planes  adjusted  to  give  even
                   contacts.  In  the  case  of  posterior  bite  planes,
                   careful  trimming  will  usually  be  necessary  to  Demonstration  to  the  patient
                   ensure that the  occlusion  is  evenly  distributed.  •  Show the patient the appliance in the mouth
                   An  anterior  bite  plane  will  need  to  be  under-  using a mirror, demonstrating how  it  should
                   mined  on  an  appliance  designed  to  reduce  an  be  inserted  and  removed.  (During  fitting,
                   overjet  before  activating the  labial  spring.  any anterior clasp on the  incisors  will gener-
                                                            ally  be  engaged  and  the  position  of  the
                                                            springs  checked  before  upward  pressure  is
                   Adjustment  to  active  wirework         applied to the palatal  acrylic with  a finger or
                   The  appliance  should  now  be  easy  to  fit  and  thumb  (Figure  10.10).  Removal  should  be
                   have  adequate  retention.  Before  activating  achieved  by  exerting  finger  pressure  on  the
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