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Chairside  management  87
                     built  up  with  wax  to  ensure  that  the  full  depth  skull  radiographs  are  not  essential.  Where
                     of the buccal sulcus is reproduced. This enables   limited  tooth  movement  is  being  carried  out
                     the  form of the alveolar process to  be  assessed.  and  all  successional  teeth  have erupted,  it  may
                     The models should be cast with adequate bases,   be possible, in some circumstances, to carry out
                     the  upper  being  trimmed  symmetrically  about  treatment  without  radiographs.
                     the  medial  palatal  raphe  and  the  lower  corre-
                     spondingly. This ensures that any asymmetry of
                     the  arches  will  be  recognized.  The  posterior  Photographs
                     surfaces of the models are trimmed flush so that
                     the models can be related in occlusion by laying   Photographs  form  an  important  record  of  the
                     them backs-down  on  a  flat  surface.  At the  visit  patient's  occlusion  and  appearance.  Intraoral
                     following  the  taking  of  the  impressions,  the  photographs  should  include  an  anterior  view
                     models  should  be  checked  to  ensure  that  the  and right and  left buccal views with the teeth in
                     occlusion  is  correctly  recorded  with  the  occlusion. Extraoral views should show full face
                     mandible  in  centric  relation.  If  there  is  any  and  profile.
                     doubt  about  the  articulation  of the  models  the  One  advantage  of  intraoral  photographs  is
                     correct  position  should  be  registered  by  draw-  that they will demonstrate any possible decalci-
                     ing  a vertical  pencil  line through the  occlusion  fication or hypoplastic marks which are present
                     of  the  molars  on  both  sides  and  the  models  at the start of treatment which  may  be  a  useful
                     returned  to the laboratory  for re-trimming.   record  in  case  of  any  questions  arising  at  the
                                                            end  of treatment.

                     Good  radiographic  records  are  necessary  to
                     confirm  the  position  of  any  unerupted  teeth  The following equipment is required  for adjust-
                     and the condition of the alveolar bones. This is   ment of a removable  appliance.
                     obviously  important  before  deciding  upon  the
                     choice of teeth for extraction, but it may also be
                     useful  in  the  event  of untoward  damage  to the   Wire bending pliers
                     teeth during treatment. The normal radiograph
                     would  be  a  dental  pantomogram  (DPT).  Adams' universal pliers  (with tips impregnated
                     Should there be  any doubt about the condition   with  tungsten  carbide)  are  the  most  useful  in
                     of  the  incisors  or  any  possibility  of  supernu-  the  adjustment  of  appliances  (Figure  10.2).
                     merary teeth being present, the DPT is supple-  Spring  forming  pliers  are  also  useful  (Figure
                     mented  with  an  intraoral  occlusal  view  of  the  10.3).
                      upper  incisor  region.  An alternative  method  is  Different  manufacturers produce  pliers  with
                     to  use  rotated  lateral  oblique  radiographs  varying  handle  shapes  and  sizes.  Find  a  pair
                      (bimolars)  and a standard occlusal of the upper   that  feels comfortable  before  you  buy  them.
                      anterior  region.                       Reserve the plier tips for adjusting the lighter
                       For the majority of cases that are suitable  for  wires  and  springs.  Where  heavy  gauge  wires
                      treatment  with  removable  appliances  lateral  (for  example  extraoral  facebows)  require

                                                               Figure 10.2 Adams' universal pliers.
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