P. 75

Class  II  malocclusions  67

                   Figure 8.5  Molar relationship more than half unit   Figure 8.6  Molar relationship a full unit class II
                   class II with a crowded lower arch. Provided the   molar with a crowded lower arch may be treated
                   lower arch can be expected to improve   with removable appliances provided that the
                   spontaneously, the extraction of all four first   underlying skeletal pattern is moderate. Extraoral
                   premolars and the use of upper removable   support will be required.
                   appliances can treat this occlusion. Extraoral support
                   may well be needed in such cases.

                                                          overjet  cannot  be  satisfactorily  reduced  by
                   of  all  four  first  premolars  can  be  considered,  tipping the  incisors.  Cases  suitable  for  remov-
                   allowing  for  spontaneous  alignment  of  the  able appliance treatment are likely to have mild
                   lower  arch  and  the  use  of  appliances  in  the  upper  arch  crowding  and  only  a  slightly
                   upper arch. Reinforcement of the anchorage by   increased  overjet.
                   the use of extraoral forces may be necessary in   If there is mild  lower arch crowding and the
                   such cases to hold the upper molars in place  as  patient is of an appropriate age then the extrac-
                   the buccal occlusion corrects  (Figure  8.5).  tion of all  four first premolars might  be consid-
                                                          ered  with  the  wear  of  headgear  to  move  the
                                                          upper molars distally into a class I relationship,
                   Molar relationship fully class II      but only if the patient does  not have  a marked
                                                          skeletal II base (Figure  8.6).
                   Caution  -  many  patients  with  an  uncrowded  The  presence  of severe  lower  arch  crowding
                   lower arch and a  full class  II  molar relationship   with  a  class  II  molar  relationship  indicates  an
                   also have a marked skeletal II dental base rela-  extremely  difficult  case  which  will  require
                   tionship. These  should be  avoided because the   treatment by a specialist.
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