Page 3 - Quanika dis-single pane-2022
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& Benefits


Increasingly, our customers say           CORPOR ATE                       M U LT I P L E
that when they run their operations       DATA B A S E S                   BENEFITS
efficiently, their workplaces become      Customers can leverage           Partnering with Quanika &
more attractive – especially when they    the power of their corporate     Axis Communications, we
make flexibility and staff convenience a  databases, for example           are delivering solutions and
priority.                                 Microsoft Active Directory, in   unlocking multiple benefits,
                                          turn streamlining processes      from increased efficiency to
                                          and workflows to manage          reduced staff turnover.
                                          business more efficiently.

                                          AUTOMATIC DATA                   CHANGE ADAPTION
                                          EXCHANGE                         With everything operating
                                          As an employer, if you can       under one umbrella, it’s
                                          set up your access control       easier for customers to
                                          and visitor management so        adapt to changing security,
                                          they automatically exchange      safety, and operational
                                          data with Microsoft Active       requirements, enabling
                                          Directory, employees and         seamless systems which
                                          regular contractors can be       contribute to welcoming
                                          granted automatic, secure        workplaces, helping
                                          access to all the locations,     employers compete for
                                          facilities and online            exceptional people, whilst
                                          resources they need without      also delivering operational
                                          having to jump through           efficiencies and long-term
                                          additional hoops or intrusive    budget savings.
                                          security layers.

                                          OFF THE SHELF                    DUTY OF CARE
                                          AFFORDABILITY                    PROVISION
                                          This integration model also      Organisations not only need
                                          combines off-the-shelf           to mitigate risks & meet
                                          affordability with bespoke       compliance requirements,
                                          tailoring whenever required      there’s a growing need
                                          and lets us give customers       to ensure staff wellbeing,
                                          more practical, affordable       demonstraing proper duty of
                                          migration routes away from       care provision, necessary to
                                          outdated, siloed systems and     retain great talent & to avoid
                                          technology stacks which are      HSE fines, liability claims & a
                                          less efficient and less secure.  damaged reputation.
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